Chapter 16- Time to say goodbye

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I've been worried about Colt's family a lot, its really bad when I don't know what to do or say. Colt has shut me out since that night, he don't want to eat, drink, or do anything, all he does is sit on his bed and stare at a picture of him and Mrs. Nancy. That night, when we found out about his mom, the doctor let the family say their last goodbye, before they took her to funeral home, colt went crazy it took his Dad, Chase, Eli, Tyler, and A.J to get him out of the room. It was a lot to take in to see him like that, all you could hear in the hospital "was let me go, she going to wake up, please dad cant we just wait, she is just sleeping, please I need her to tell me what to do", I had to walk of there.

 Melissa had fainted and Colt was right there with her, he was telling her to wake up and telling her he was going to take care of her. They had to drag, him out of the ER to go home, when he got home, he went straight to his room and just sits there, cries and sleeps. My mom let me stay with the Owens, to make sure they are fine, and the twins are getting around fine, when they have company, they are sitting on the couch with each other. Melissa told Dexter to stay with her while everybody is at the house, I take the food and make sure everyone is doing fine. I go in the room every other hour to check on colt, Eli, Chase, A.J, and Tyler still trying to get him out of his room, but he just lays there lifeless.

 Cam his dad, is worried he never seen him like this before, he goes in and talk to him, Cam comes out of colts room with tears in his eyes. I walk into colt's room, see him on his side holding his picture "Please baby talk to me, im so worried about you, everybody is, Melissa and Kyran needs you, you need be strong for them and to see you with them when they need you tomorrow." I tell him, putting my hand on his shoulder and rub his back. "baby I know you are hurting but you have to eat, I need you to be ok I love you."

I tell him and he turns around and look at me" I'm sorry baby, but how can she leave us when we just started our lives and who is going to with be Melissa, when she gets married and tell her how to take care of a baby, who is going to do that, for her, I love my mom but, I'm mad at her for leaving us, I'm only 17, they are only 13 going to be 14, in a few more months, and who is going to take care of dad when, we all leave no one, she gone and we cant bring her back." 

 I pull him too me, hug and kiss him tell him, its ok and that ill take care of him and that I love him. He cries his self to sleep again still holding me and breathing softly, I put im ear to his chest and listens to his heart, sleep soon takes over me......

Colt POV

I wake up, I see the sun coming though the window binds in my room. I see Ana is still in bed with me from last night, she has been really helpful with everything that's been going on. I get up trying not to wake her up, I get out of bed and go to the kitchen, I turn the corner and I see dad, he is sitting at the table with my moms coffee cup staring out the window, he turns and sees me "how are doing this morning, I couldn't sleep at all last night, im just not ready for today to say goodbye to my only love and the mother of my children, how can I do that colt say goodbye to her and she was suppose to be with me forever."

My dad was telling me, with tears falling from his eyes and I go to him and hug him tight. He gets up and walks to his room and shut the door, with nothing to say. I just stare at his door, I went into he kitchen got me some orange juice. I see Dex walking around the corner and he freezes, when he sees me. "I'm staying in kyrans room just so you know and Melissa's door stays open when I'm in there with her, she goes to sleep with me in the bed with her, I get up and go to kyrans room." Holding up his hands, " Just as long as you don't try anything, I will not beat your ass, but thank you for taking care of my sister, when I was not so good with myself" I shook his hand and smiled.

I walked to the bedroom and lay in my bed with Ana, I feel bad for the way I acted towards her and everybody. I kiss her cheek and her lips, she wakes up blinking at me and smiles "Good Morning baby, did you sleep okay?" she ask me," yeah, I slept pretty good last night, I talked to dad and dex this morning." She hugs and kiss me, she gets up " I got to go check on Melissa and Kyran, we here to leave in about 2 hours and we have to be there early to make sure everything is in the right order." She goes get Melissa and kyran up and then she walks in the room and shuts the door locks it, I goes to lay beside me.

"I'm going to take a shower, do you want to join me?"

" yeah, but we got to hurry." I tell her smiling.

After a long shower, we are ready and going to the funeral home, we walk in and I see my moms casket. Dad is the first one to walk there to mom, Kyran, Melissa, and Dex walks up there and I watch, I see kyran and dex holding up Melissa so she doesn't fall and they walk to the seats up front. Me and Ana walk up next, I know I'm hurting her arm by holding it to tight but she doesn't say anything, I get up the casket and there lays my beautiful, strong mom. I tell her, I love her and that I will see her again and kiss her forehead, a tear slide down my face and into her hair.

I turn around, I look at my sister and brother, they are both crying but what hit me more is that my sister looks just like mom and she is staring at me. I go and hug her and she falls apart in my arms, I tell her that its okay and that mom is look down on us from heaven and that she don't want us to be sad and crying. She looks at me, "Why colt did she have to leave I need her here with me?" I just hug her. The funeral was beautiful and we all get into my truck and go to the grave yard, we get there and we sit down on the chairs, the preacher says some stuff and then they lower my mom into the ground. I get up from my seat and I place my hand on the casket, tell my mom I love her an that's its time to say goodbye, but not forever.

I hear Melissa screaming behind me, telling the people to not take her mom away from her and that moms sacred of the dark, I go to her and pick her up kicking and screaming. I know, its hard for her, she needs mom, shes going to need her on her wedding day when she has babys. I just carry and take her to my truck and cry with her in private. Its going to take along time to get over this, I hope we get though it all together.......


Yellooooooooo this is the last chapter till I get more votes and comments for my book when I see them I will be putting the chapters up. I hope yall had a good and safe 4th of july weekend, we went camping had a lot of fun love ya         

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