I nodded reluctantly before they sighed. "You're free to leave," they dismissed me.


Kairi and I walked home together, book bags slung over our shoulders. "Why were you called to meet the principal during lunch?" She asked me.

"They were concerned with my current performance in school and told me I should meet the counselor," I shrugged.

"...Saki," She sighed. "Maybe Dad and our principal has a point. You shouldn't think too much about Riku and Sora. Put more faith in those boys. They're off doing their own thing, but they're sure to come back, right?"

Kairi gave me a nervous smile, but what she just said to me ticked me off. "...so you're not concerned about them?" I gritted my teeth.

"A-Ah..." Kairi stammered, looking away from me. "I didn't mean to come off like that?"

"You sure?" My expression darkened as I stopped in my tracks an Kairi walked ahead before realizing that I wasn't following her anymore and stopped as well, turning around to face me.

"S-Sakura...?" She hesitantly asked.

"Because the way you've been acting surely tells me otherwise!" I shouted, catching her off-guard. "Ever since the day we've returned, I haven't seen you seem the least bit concerned about Riku and Sora! You act like nothing has even happened! Like this entire world literally didn't perish from existence! Like Sora didn't kill himself to save you!"

"Well, I'm just trying to return to the norm!" She fired back. "You shouldn't keep kicking yourself about the past! You need to move on from what happened!"

"'Move on'? 'Return to the norm'?" I hysterically cried out, throwing my arms over my head. The nerve of this girl...! I pointed a finger accusingly at her. "Nothing will be normal ever again!" I shrieked. "I am the Weaver of the Hearts and a wielder of the Keyblade and you're one of the seven Princesses of Light, a Princess of Heart!"

"As long we don't change on the outside, nobody's going to care how different we are on the inside!" Kairi insisted. "Why don't you stop caring about how much of an outsider to you are everyone here and just go back to the way you were before all this happened?"

"Easy for you to say!" I screamed. "I didn't spend the entire journey in a coma inside somebody's heart!"

Kairi's jaw dropped and opened her mouth t say something but I stormed past her, not interested nor caring about what she had to say to me.


"Darn it..." I sighed as I squatted by the ocean shore, watching my reflection from the waves coming in and out of the beach. "I screwed up, didn't I?" I put a hand on my forehead and grabbed my bangs, scrunching them up as I continued to stare at myself in the reflection.

After I stormed back home, I went to my room and locked the door, changing back out into some casual clothes and sulked in the corner and ignoring my homework. After a few hours of solitude, I knew that Kairi was going to drag me down for dinner and I would have to inevitably talk to her and Dad, so an hour before dinner, despite the protests from my stomach, I climbed out the window from my room and ran to the beach.

I shook my head and slapped my cheeks. "No, no, get ahold of yourself!" I scolded myself. "Kairi's in the wrong here, not you! She thinks because nobody noticed that their world was just swallowed in darkness and we should act like nothing has happened as well!"

I stood up and summoned my Keyblade and pointed at the starry night sky, the stars reflecting off my eyes as I imitated the action of sealing the Keyhole in a world. "Aren't you the ambitious one?" A voice remarked.

I jumped, dispelling my Keyblade as I turned to face a figure dressed in a black coat. "Who are you?" I demanded.

"That's none of your concern...for now," they replied as they took a step forward to me and i took a step back, feeling the ocean water against the backs of my shoes.

"What do you want?" I continued.

"It's not what I want, but what you want," they pointed at me.

"What is that I want that you have--" I started.

"I have Sora with me," they interrupted.

My jaw dropped in disbelief. "...seriously?" I babbled.

"Yes," the figure nodded as they lifted their hand up and summoned a black portal behind them. "Follow me through here if you want to see him again," they told me.

I took a few excited steps forward but stopped myself. Shouldn't I get Kairi? She'd be ecstatic if she found out that this person had Sora with them! I thought back to our fall out and shook my head. No, if she wants to return back to what's normal, then so be it. She wouldn't want to go to where Sora is if she wants to be "normal" again.

"But first," I said, pointing to the figure. "Show me your face. Take off that hood so I know this isn't a trap."

"...fair point," the figure sighed as they slipped their hood off, revealing shoulder-length, slightly curly pink hair and blue eyes.

Seeing that this man didn't look too suspicious, I hesitantly stepped into the portal as the man followed, closing it behind me. "Oh, before I forget," the man said from behind me. "My name is Marluxia. Nice to meet you...:"

"Sakura," I finished as we started our journey through the darkness.
Kairi is one of my least favorite characters in the series *insert gasp of thousands of fans*
Well, she just stands there at the beach, waiting for Sora and Riku to come back. Waiting! It's like she has nothing better to do but wait. She doesn't try to find a way to get off the island again, and look for them. She doesn't even continue on with life! She just stands there, doing nothing! She acts like a princess waiting for her prince! And in Kingdom Hearts 2, they pull the same damsel card that they did in Kingdom Hearts 1 and she gets kidnapped AGAIN!

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