Chapter 10: Don't Tell

Start from the beginning

A sudden knock on the door sends Rylan's heart into a fast-beating frenzy.

"Rylan? I have some clothes for you to change into." Dani calls softly.

Rylan hadn't even thought about that. She can't wear the same clothes she'd left home in. Rylan calms her beating heart and walks over to the door. She unlocks it and allows it to open a foot. Dani gives Rylan a half-hearted smile, but Rylan doesn't make an effort to reciprocate with her own.

Instead she simply says, "Thanks," and then accepts the red t-shirt, khaki pants, and underwear and locks the door again.

When the lock latches tightly again, Rylan lets out the breath she's holding. It feels safer in the bathroom, by herself. Rylan pulls on the new clothing. The pants are a bit baggy, but otherwise everything fits. She can't help wondering where they came from. They can't be Dani's because Dani is about the same size as Rylan and she always wears form-fitting clothes, but they are made for a female. Perhaps they belong to Cas's mother.

Rylan exits the bathroom and walks slowly down the hallway. She doesn't really want to face her friends again, but Tuck was right, she has to talk to someone about it and they're the only ones who know. She also has to practice acting as normal as possible so her dad doesn't suspect anything. The thought makes Rylan exhausted.

"Cas, why aren't we going to the police?" Dani demands, obviously upset.

Rylan stops in her tracks. Cas and Dani are just around the corner, having a supposedly private conversation. The mention of the police sends terror through Rylan. They won't really go behind her back, will they?

"That's not what Rylan wants. And as much as I'd like to see those dicks prosecuted and Blake... I hate them too, but we need to respect what she wants." Cas replies, unable to finish his revenge sentiments.

"But we could do it right now. She's in the bathroom. Rylan may hate us, but eventually she'll realize we're doing what's best for her." Dani insists.

Rylan's breath hitches. Is Cas actually considering this? He seemed sincere about wanting to help her, but Cas has known Dani for much longer. Rylan isn't sure she can trust him, especially since they haven't been getting along lately.

Cas glances up at Dani from his seated position at the kitchen table. "She's your best friend, Dani. Do you really want her to hate you?"

Dani shakes her head as she considers his question, then cries, "Yes! Okay, yes! If it will get her to feel better and keep her safe, then I'm fine with her hating me for as long as she needs to." She looks Cas dead in the eyes. "I won't let that bastard abuse my best friend anymore. I won't!"

"Dani, you don't get it! This could destroy her! If there's anything left to destroy, that is." Cas challenges angrily. "She needs us to stand by her, not force her to do something she doesn't want to do."

"You're wrong. I do get it. You're speaking from your own experience, Cas. This is different. It's hard to tell your parents, especially when Rylan only has her dad. She doesn't want to hurt him, I know, but this whole situation is painful and terrible no matter what. It's going to get worse before it gets better. You of all people know that! And letting her take a shower? C'mon Cas, even I know that was stupid!"

"There's no protocol for things like this, Dani. I'm doing the best I can."

"You're trying to do the opposite of what you did in the past!"

"Yes, because what I did was harmful!" Cas shouts.

"What if what you're doing right now isn't right for Rylan?! Huh? What if it causes more harm?!" Dani shouts over him.

~My Teacher Hits Me~ (Book 1) [Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now