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I can't believe its over already...

Gosh, it feels like I just started this book too!!

Ugh, but anyways....

First off, I'd like to thank God, for giving me such an amazing story idea, ams for the ideas to keep you interested.

Second, I want to thank everyone who read this book. Yes, even the "floaters" who only read the first chapters and didn't continue! Yes, I am thankful for you(:

Third, I would like to thank Ayrika and Karder (yes, my book characters) for giving me the ideas to run off of. Love you guys!

Ayrika: awh! Thanks Ari!!! We love you too!! And don't forget about Olive!!

Olive: *barks*

Me: Of course I couldn't forget about her!

Karder: We love you, Ari! *gives me hug*

Me: awh, thanks Karder *smiles cheesily*


And last, but certainly not least, you.  I know I already said "readers" but I mean you personally. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my book. I appreciate you❤❤

Well, thank you ALL SO MUCH for reading(: I will see you soon!


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