Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


"Well, Karder I, um. . ." I smiled widely. "Yes, Karder. I will marry you."

He smiled and put the ring on my left ring finger. He stood up, picked me up, and spun me around.

"But Karder. . ." I interrupted. "When are we getting married?"

"Next week, hopefully, only because Linda and Jacob can't keep you much longer. The agency is coming next Saturday, so hopefully we can get married and be out of here before they come to pick you up."

I smiled, but then quickly frowned.

"Don't we have to plan the wedding though, and what about legal papers?"

"Linda and Jacob will take care of the legal stuff. Oh! Also, Linda got us a wedding planner, and she is going to help with it. So you don't have to do it."

Then I remembered something. "Karder, what day is it today?"

"Um, Saturday?"

I screeched. "Karder it's Homecoming!"


"Yes! Karder, this school week has gone by so fast we barely even noticed! It's already Homecoming tonight!"

Okay, I don't really talk about school all that much. All you really need to know is that, I'm doing good in school and Karder is my only friend. That's all for now.

Anyways, I quickly ran upstairs to find a dress to wear, Karder followed, but then turning into his room.

Then I realized we needed to be matching. So much was happening, I was getting married next week, we were going to homecoming tonight, and we were most likely moving out of state.

I was so overwhelmed with things I started to cry. I sat in the middle of my room and cried.


After a while of just crying. Karder came up to me, placing a bowl of food on the floor next to me.

"Karder. I can't do this." I said as soon as I stopped crying to say something.

"What can't you do, my love?"

"I can't deal with this anymore. Since the wedding is coming up so fast, can we not go to homecoming? It's just something else on my mind that causing this clutter."

He thought about it for awhile. Then gently got up. "I know what will get your mind off of things."

He set my drawing notebook and a pencil in front of me. I smiled widely.

"You know me so well. But what should I draw?"

He smiled. "Me. Draw me."

I shrugged. "Okay, but stand over there so I can see you."

I instantly smirked. I had an idea.

"On second thought, go into my closet and put something on. I want to make this drawing as detailed as possible."

He smiled and shrugged. "Okay, but you are paying for this missy!"

I laughed as he walked in to the closet. A couple minutes later he came out with a scarf around his waist and a beanie on his head.

He evidentially found a pair of sunglasses and put them upside down on his face. He also had found one of my pink tank tops and put that on with a pair of high heels to top it off.

(And yes, he still had his regular clothing on underneath.)

"Is this detailed enough?" He said in a spoiled girl voice. I giggled.

"Perfect!" I tried drawing him but I couldn't. It was too funny. "Can you turn around and do a little strut like you are on a runway.

He did as I was told. I burst out laughing, I couldn't keep it in anymore.

We laughed and dressed up silly all night long. We didn't even think about homecoming, we didn't even think about the wedding.

It was all perfect. Nothing could be better then spending time with the one I love most.

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