It's a Love-Hate Relationship *11*

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"God damn it Danny, give it to me!"

I laughed as I watched the two chase each other, until Danny ran into me, making both of us fall to the ground. We stared at each other for a few seconds before we started laughing.

"They're probably on crack," Toby said, the other three nodding in agreement.

"My wife and I ain't on no drugs! Unless..." he looked at me expectantly, and when I shook my head he grinned. "Good. Now you four better shut up, 'cause if you wake up my baby boy, I will kick your asses!"

Alex looked confused as he stared at Danny and I. "Isn't Jayden Valentine's dad...?" he asked.

Brian nodded. "Yeah, but Daniel has something screwed up in his head, so he claims everything as his."

"Do not!"

I grinned as Danny stared at them before I pushed him off and took the candy out of his head. "Neither of you can have this now, it's mine unless you're gonna eat from it after me," I told them while starting to eat it.

"No! It'll turn me into a girl!" He quickly moved away from me and hid behind his boyfriend. "I don't wanna be a girl! You gotta stick somethin' up you for a week, and you get boobies, and you go through all the pain, but then again that part wouldn't be different..."

"Daniel somethin' Crain!" Amaya shouted while her and her friends joined us. "Why are you telling us this? You're probably scaring Alex!"

Danny froze and when he realized what he said, his cheeks turned pink. "I didn't mean it! I was just saying what would happen if I turned into a girl... How do you guys put.. things.. up you for one week every month? I mean, isn't it basically like a dude is shovin' somethin' up you?"

The four other guys looked uncomfortable when he asked that, while Amaya, Candy, Lindsey and I all exchanged a glance.

"You really want to know the answer to that?" Lindsey asked.

When he nodded, Candy sighed before walking over to him and putting an arm around his shoulders. "If you want to know so badly... Go ask a girl that uses those," she told him before calmly walking back to Amaya and Lindsey.

"Wait, so you guys don't use those thingy-mer-bobbers?" he asked with a frown. "Why don't you, and what do you use then?"

Amaya beckoned for him to go over there, and when he did they told him, his expression immediately went from a curious one to a disgusted one, making me chuckle.

"Oh my God, that's disgusting! And you have to change those all the time? That is just nasty! It's so.. Ugh." He shuddered in disgust. "Thank God I'm a man!"

"You liking things being shoved up your butt is the same thing as a girl liking to be with a man," Lindsey said while patting his head.

Danny covered his ears and shook his head furiously. "I don't want to hear it! You guys are making me scared now! I don't wanna be a girl!" he exclaimed, making us laugh.

"You guys are so weird.." Toby mumbled while shaking his head before looking at Brian and Jayden. "How do you guys put up with them?"

They shrugged in response as Danny pouted and glared at his boyfriend.

"Usually Danny's not around asking weird questions," Brian said while sitting on the counter again.

"Hey dumb-asses!" Amaya shouted, catching everyone's attention. "So what's the plan for tonight? I want to try cooking, so I need to know who's staying."

"I have to babysit tonight," Brian told her. "And those two promised to help me, so they won't be here."

She nodded before going to the fridge.

It's a Love-Hate Relationship {FIN}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ