Chapter 9- Chuunin part 2

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One week later

The week went by quite fast for the remaining ten competitiors. For team 7, there were only Naruto, Sasuke and Naruko that advanced. Sakura didnt, so Kakashi trained with Sasuke while Jiaraya trained with Naruko since Kushina was bit busy in helping with the exam preparations. Minato asked Naruto, seeing that he didnt have someone to train him, if he would except him to help in training, but was refused saying he would train alone.


Naruto was on his way to the Hokage's office. He was told by the Anbu that the Hokage required his presence. Honestly, he didn't know why he was being called into the office, but he didn't like being in his presence, so decided to finish it up real quick. Once he entered the office, he saw his 'family', along with Jiraiya and Tsunade. He looked at them with a bored expression and sighed. This was definitely going to be a long day.

"Hokage-sama, I was told you summoned me." he asked.

"Ah yes. As you know the chuunin exams are in a week and all the remaining genin have teachers and so it ha come to my attention that you don't. That's why I asked Jiraiya to help you in this week."

"Yeah gaki, you'll even be able to sign a contract with the toads!" He wanted to also repair his relationship with Naruto, so giving him a contract like his sister was the best way.

"Isn't that great Sochi, you get have a summoning!" Kushina exclaimed. Ignoring all of them, he turned to Tsunade and smiled. She went to him and hugged him.

"Its nice to see you again brat. I see you still have that cursed necklace." she smiled at him.

"Hey I like this 'cursed necklace'. I never take it off and its nice to see you too Tsunade-sama." The others just looked at them in shock. What was going on!

"Hey, you guys actually have a good relationship!?" Jiraiya said.

"Don't lump me in with you people. I might not be in this village most of the time, but I did give him that necklace as a birthday present. Unlike you people, I don't do favourism." she said proudly.

"Anyways, I don't want your help Jiraiya-san, nor do I want your summoning. Tell me why would I want a contract weaker than the one I already have?" he said in mono tone. This got a chuckle from Tsunade. The others were just wide-eyed at his refusal.

"W-What do you mean!? There are no creatures that are stronger than the toads except the....OMG!?! Which of the two do you have!?! More importantly when and who gave you the contract?!" he exclaimed. Now this got the others confused. What exactly was he talking about.

"You'll see what creature I have in the exams. And for who gave me, my sister did. She gave me during my first birthday party, when I was turned six. If that is all, then can I please leave now? I want to go prepare."

"Nii-san, if I give you back the title of clan heir, would you come back to our family? Please?" Naruko begged. All she wanted was her brother back. Why was the universe so unfair!?!

"Yeah, you'll become the heir again. I admit that it was a mistake on our side. We didn't train you so there was no way you could have been strong. Please, we'll do anything for you to come back." Kushina plead, along with her husband.

"No, we already had this discussion before and I don't want to be clan heir, not anymore. And you *points to Naruko* we made a deal that if I won during the academy exam then you'll leave me alone. Are you trying to tell me that your a liar? Now if that is all I'll be leaving, *turns to Tsunade* if your going to be staying here for a while, your welcome to stay at my house. I'm on my way there now."

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