< I'm so grateful you came Justin > and she hugged him < it's really important to have you here in this day > she continued

< I couldn't leave you alone in a day like this, I wish for you two the best... with all of my heart > he replied.

{ The girls left them alone for a minute, they had to pick the bouquet.. }

< thank you, it means a lot >

< but.. before you go, I have to tell you something > he premised < I know I shouldn't tell you this now, because it's wrong, but that's my last chance to talk to you > he explained

< Selena is time to go! > exclaimed Ricardo who came with the girls

< please let me finish! It's truly important! >

< Justin we can talk later > she whispered

< No! > he shouted < later it will be too late! >

< I'm sorry Justin > said Ricardo while holding his daughter's hand.

Then the doors opened and Nick Jonas started to play the Wedding March on the organ. Selena was stunning, everybody starred at her like she was a princess. Josh was amazed, his girlfriend was fabulous.

When they arrived at the altar Ricardo kissed her and gave her to Josh, who whispered at her ear < you're the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen, Selena > and she smiled, holding tight his hand < I was afraid you wouldn't have come, but now that you're here.. there's no place I rather be. By your side for the rest of our lives > he continued whispering.

Justin sat down in the second row with all Josh's parents and Sammy. In his head he was imaging them again together, like two nights before when they were in Italy and nobody was between them. That night, while they were eating, he thought that an happy ending was possible, but now he felt far away from where they used to be and from who they used to be. Selena and Justin used to be just one thing " Jelena " or even " Brangelina 2.0 " but now they were far away from that, far away from that night.

Justin was thinking about his life, about his troubles, about his ex girlfriend.. when he heard " I do" from Josh. His heart stopped beating for a second. The time ran too fast and now he didn't even knew if also Selena had said "yes".

< and now, Mrs Selena Marie Gomez are you [.....] Joshua Ryan Hutcherson? >

Justin and Selena's heart stopped beating together; after some seconds Selena turned and looked at Justin's face.. and he shook his head saying no. She turned again, Josh took her hand and she looked at him in the eyes.

< no > she answered < I mean... > she continued < yes > and somebody laughed

< she's confused > said Josh to the priest < Selena, yes I do.. > he suggested

< Josh.. >

< I have to say something! > shouted Justin while standing up

< sir is not your time to talk > affirmed the priest

< I know but.. > and Justin looked Mandy who whispered " go on " < that's the very last chance I have to talk. Because, if I don't talk now > he continued stammering < I'm gonna loose her, forever >

Selena turned and looked him in the eyes, Josh looked him threateningly.

< I used to be a kid, I have to admit that. And maybe I still am because yesterday I preferred to take a sleeping pill to overcome the night instead of deal with the situation. But there's a thing I'm sure of Selena, and that's what I feel for you. I'm grown up with you, I spent the best two years of my life with your love, and I'm keep growing up. I'm not a man, I know, but I know that I'm the one you love. The way you're looking at me, they way you haven't answered now confirms me that you still feel something for me > he said

< Pardon my interruption, Bieber. But we're celebrating a marriage today! > exclaimed Josh a bit irritated < right, Selena? >

< let him finish please > and she moved near Justin

< I could talk about our love all day Selena because I know it's the biggest thing we have ever known but now, the one three words I must say is that I love you > he continued stammering < and I don't wanna love anymore if it's not you. I rather die than seeing you marrying him. I've tried to show you I'm all happy for you but for being honest I'm the happiest boy alive knowing that you haven't said yes before >

< I'm sorry Justin.. but today I'm going to marry Joshua > she said with a resentful voice

< oh > Justin sighed < so, as I said, I wish for you the best. But don't look for me anymore Sel, I got to go on my own now.. even if you're not with me, I guess > he said with a feeble voice, Justin was on the point to cry. < oh! And that's for you. Be happy > Justin added while giving her a small necklace with the J on it, Selena looked at it < at least, we both have the "J" >

Josh was was annoyed. Justin turned and walk off the church. Selena turned to Josh stroking his cheek

< ..I'm sorry.. > she whispered while taking off her shoes.

Josh was confused as all the guests while Pattie and Mandy were satisfied. Then Selena ran away like a barefoot Cinderella.

She caught Justin who was opening his car's door and jumped on him. At first he was confused but when she kissed him he understood everything and they necked for a long time in his car. Then he put her the necklace while kissing her neck.. and then they drove away.

20 DAYS TO MAKE HER FALL IN LOVE AGAIN { JELENA AU }Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora