< maybe I should try Fredo, I have nothing to loose >

< you'll loose her respect. Is that nothing Justin? >

Justin shook his head.

< do whatever you want but remember that if she broke up with you was also because of the things you do to imitate that asshole! > he explained with a soft tone of voice

< the life is mine! You cannot understand! > replied Justin

< I won't help you when she'll reject you!> said Alfredo while walking away.

Justin left the house; Alfredo and Lil Twist were already gone. He jumped on his black Ducati and ran to Selena's house without giving any advice. He knew that Brian was in New York because of his work and Mandy was hanging out with his mother.

When he arrived in front of her house he remembered were Selena used to hide the key and entered. Wallace and Chip were sleeping in the garden, it was about 7PM and the sun was still shining but the sky was turning into orange.

He knocked but nobody came so he turned around her home and entered from the window-door in the other front of the house which was open as always.

<Sel? is anybody in here?> he asked, actually to himself.

Nobody answered. The house was in a big mess, there were wedding favors all over the living-room. He was horny and he felt guilty. The truth was that he didn't have the courage to act like Lil Twist had told him to. He asked once again if there was someone, but nobody answered again. He was on the point to leave when Baylor ran to him. Justin sat on the floor for a minute and he played with the dog. < where's your mom? > he asked to Baylor alluding to Selena. Baylor turned the head and ran upstairs like he wanted to answer "follow me", so did Justin.

The mess was everywhere. Then Justin listened a girl moaning. He went upstairs too and he followed the noise. Now Baylor was gone. Justin's heart was beating really fast, he on the point to have a heart attack.

The girl who was moaning was huge and he heard a men's laughter. He wished with all his heart it wasn't Selena "maybe she borrowed the house to Ash or some other girl" he thought, "the girl's voice isn't similar to Sel's one, and she have never been that loud!" he kept thinking. Justin was worried. By following the noise, Justin got in front of Selena's room. He was trying to act like it didn't care... but the truth was that Justin was pretty much afraid of what he could have found.

His heart was now a machine. He opened the door just a little bit.

Now the moans were finished and there was a huge music. Then he heard the Selena's laughter. Justin opened all the door, the light coming from the window blinded his eyes.

The light was too dazzling, he had to rub his eyes before being able to see what there was, and especially, who was there.

Then he saw a man pretty taller than him in front of him but he couldn't recognise him.

< Justin? Bieber? > asked a man. He nodded.

The first thing Justin looked was if he was dressed or naked. He was all dressed, Justin felt relieved. Then he looked for Selena with the corner of his eye, Justin was suspicious..

< Glice to meet you > said Josh laughing. Justin didn't find it funny. < Josh. Hutcherson > he continued. Then the he turned around and he grabbed a girl who was coming back from the bathroom inside the room < the future husband of that awesome lady > Josh concluded while laughing.

< Justin! > exclaimed Selena while laughing and trying to get away from Josh's arm in a lovely way.

Then Baylor came in too.

< What are u doing here? > she continued, still laughing because of Josh.

< nothing! > exclaimed Justin < I was just wondering if you wanted to watch with me the movie, but I guess you're busy right now >.

Justin looked down the brown floor.

The room was the only place in order, the music was coming from the television. They were watching a movie who was just ended, and probably the girl of the moans was from the screen.

< Oh! > exclaimed Selena laughing < we've just watched that movie. Josh didn't believe that a boy could be a maid so.. I shared him >

< I'm happy you accepted. If she's happy I'm too > affirmed Josh < she won a pizza dinner!>

Justin was embarrassed.

< would u like to come with us? > Selena asked and turned to look at Josh < if for you it's ok.. > she added. Josh nodded with a smile on his face.

< ehm no, thanks. I..I don't want to disturb. > The expression on his face was truly sad, Selena was embarrassed.

< Tomorrow I'm going to South Beach. Let me know if you want to come with me Jus >.

Justin shook his head, he didn't want to. So, he left. Josh kept playing with his girlfriend; he came back just to see her and verify if there was something to worry about or not. The day after he was going to leave again and go back to Florida.

When Justin got out of the house Baylor started crying and jumped on his "mom", as Justin says. Josh kept playing with Selena like a kid: touching her, joking and laughing without a valid reason.

Selena was unhappy; the expression on Justin face caused sadness.

" Why is this hard?" she thought. Maybe it was easier to stay away from him.


20 DAYS TO MAKE HER FALL IN LOVE AGAIN { JELENA AU }Where stories live. Discover now