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Freed comes back with an armful of supplies. He makes a quick cup of tea and takes out a few pills, and walks them to Roxy. Waking her up gently, he gives her the two, he warns her, "The pills might make you a little loopy, but they're supposed to be good for this kind of thing."
She nods, and takes them. Then she falls back asleep.

Freed sits on the couch, placing her torso on his lap, and begins to wrap Roxy's arms with a cloth. Her eyes peel open a bit, and she gives him a confused look. She stirs, and he settles her down a bit. She begins to mumble something.
"Shhh, Roxy, shhh. I gave you some medicine, okay?" He coos to her, fixing her messy hair. She nods. He takes her arm again, and she looks up at him with wide puppy eyes.
"What are you doing?"
"Wrapping your arm, miss Roxy." He whispers to her, gently tying off the end.
"Am I gonna be a mummy?" She asks him, a little bit of fear in her voice.
"No, don't worry. I'm just helping your arm to heal."
She rubs her eyes groggily, like a child. "You're my doctor?"
"Not really, just a friend who wants to help a sweet girl." Her eyes widen.
"I'm a sweet girl??"
"Very sweet." She closes her eyes and smiles, hugging Freed's torso and snuggling up to him.
"Aaawwww" she coos, and she curls her legs up. She giggles and hums a little bit as she adjusts her position to snuggle up against him. He blushes, and smiles, a bit uncomfortable, but mostly enjoying this drowsy Roxy.
"You're the nicest that I-" she moves her arms a bit. "I ever-I never new someone who was a nicer person than you are a nice...person." Her words get all jumbled up as she continues to try to say this sentence correctly. He just pats her head, and let's her ramble on nonsensically.

Roxy DreyarWhere stories live. Discover now