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I find a rather secluded area just outside the hall and sit down to read. "The Magic of Enchantments" the title read in big, swirly calligraphy. I love calligraphy. That's what drew me to this book. Yes, I judged a book by its cover. I put on my headphones, still blushing a tad from my up close encounter with that man. Oh my gosh I'm so embarrassed.
I come back for the next week or so, with a similar routine, but instead of having a book today, I bring my journal out and write.

It felt a bit nippy today, so I wore a lace-trimmed shirt with a long grey cardigan and black pants. Oh how I love wearing pants. I can sit criss-crossed on this bench. I love sitting criss-crossed.
Laxus ate breakfast with me today. He's actually pretty nice. I never really knew him that --

I see the green hair again, and look up. The man smiles, cueing me to socialize. I reluctantly take off my headphones and look up at him bashfully.
"I can't help but remember our last run-in."
I facepalm and get really embarrassed, letting my hair cover my face. "I'm so sorry." I apologize in humiliation.
"No, don't worry, I didn't mean to be in your way either. And you're reaction was a bit charming to say the least."
"Sorry I just got super embarrassed and fight or flight kind of kicked in-"
"Well I'm glad none of us left injured, that's a good thing right?" He says to cheer me up.
I hold back a smile. "Yeah. I guess I'm glad too" I reply, putting my hair behind my ear.
"Sorry," he starts, "I never introduced myself, miss Roxy. My name is Freed Justine." I smile and nod, accepting a handshake from him. I can't hold back a bit of pink from my cheeks.
"Have you felt quite welcome here? I've noticed you sitting here a lot since arriving."
I nod. "I have. I just like this spot" I tell him, smiling out of bashfulness, covering a bit of my face with my sleeve. He smiles softly.
"I see. You must not be much of an extrovert then, are you?"
I let out a bit of a giggle, and shake my head. "Not particularly, no."
He looks at my journal. "Are you a writer?" He asks, gesturing to it.
I yank it to my chest in embarrassment. "Um, not really. More like a quiet journal-keeper."
"Ah, one of those." His lips curling up ever so slightly as he looks at me with those kind eyes. I look down and blush in embarrassment, letting my hair fall from behind my ear, covering a bit of my face.
"Did you know Laxus much before coming here?"
I look back up. While putting a bookmark in my journal and my journal down, I reply, "Um, not much. He was kind of one of those 'family reunion only' cousins, and to be honest he always scared me." Giggling a bit.
"But, now...?" He starts, wanting me to finish.
"But now I've gotten to know him a bit better. He's a nice guy. I mean it's still weird to live with my cousin, but it's okay. Hey, do you want to sit down?"
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt." He tells me. I scootch down and brush off his side a bit. When he sits, I sit sideways, wrapping my arms around my bent knee. A minute of silence passes, before he says, "I couldn't help but notice the pink hair. I'd say you resemble our fire dragon slayer more than your own cousin."
I push my fingers through it, in slight annoyance. "Ya it's pink. I got it from my mom."
"You make it sound like you aren't a fan of it...?"
"Nah, I'd rather have my dad's blond hair."
He looks at me. "Why, that's just silly. I think your hair is a wonderful color. It's got a hint of earth in it, you know?"
I blush and look away. "Thanks...I don't know, I just...I don't like it on me."
"Well at least you don't feel that way about your eyes..." he starts, then sees me sink down a bit lower. "You can't be telling me you don't like your eyes." I bit my lip and look down at the bench. "That's just absurd, they're beautiful."
I blush, not looking at him.
"I just don't like them."
"Well I do."

"Roxy, would you mind me taking you for a walk?"
I look up, a bit surprised.
"Um, sure I guess. Why not?"
He smiles and stands up, helping me up a little bit.
He takes me on a trail in the garden. We walk in quietness. I flick sparks from my fingers together out of nervous habit. I think he notices.
"Roxy, correct me if I'm wrong, but you use...celestial light magic?"
I nod. "Yeah. That's me."
"I've never met someone with it. How does it work exactly?"
"It's nothing special really. It's just electricity."
I suddenly run into a clear wall. "A...barrier...?" I ask, looking at him confusedly, and nervously.
"Master Mokarov has asked me to test your strength. Stay there please. And fight me back." He tells me in a serious tone. I push back onto the wall. What is he doing?? I'm not strong enough to fight against someone!
Using dark écritire magic, he puts a spell on me, making my muscles tense up, and I moan in pain.
"Freed, please don't" I manage to say between my gasps for air. "Freed...I...Can't"
He produces wings and flies up above me, now loosening the spell on myself.
"Now you must fight back." He tells me, hovering in the air.
"Freed!" I say in protest, until he begins to come towards me. He brings out his sword, and I try to shock it out of his hands by zapping his wrists. He is hardly affected by it. He keeps coming towards me and I push back into the barrier. I hurriedly create a lightening ball and push it against his sword, crying out from the sudden shock. The more we push against each other, the farther my electricity digs into my skin. I groan.
"Freed please stop! Freed! I can't! Please stop!" I say behind tears, as I try my hardest to push against him, despite the pain it's causing to me. I gasp for breath as I notice him beginning to push harder, the lightening pushing deeper into my veins, and my ball inching closer and closer to my face. I shut my eyes and use all my strength to push back, letting out a blood curdling shriek as I push, and my wrists get charred.

My legs give out, and I fall. My vision gets splotchy until I soon cannot see.

Roxy DreyarWhere stories live. Discover now