Chapter 12- His choice

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 Thank you to everyone that told me to continue(: Haha, and I felt really happy as I wrote this chapter,even if this chapter is a little sad. Drop a comment when your drone reading, I dare you!

 Sorry If it's a little short, I am sort of busy with stuff.

Chapter 12, as said:

                                                -Andrians POV-

                                                   I was fully dressed, and fully clothed by the time noon came around. So far, I did nothing, and for once, I was enjoying it. Although, in two hours, I knew I would be in for a bunch of tourist things, and all that cheesy lame things. But then again, it felt like a tradition.

Today, I didn't even bother with my phone, in fact, I threw it in my grandmothers pool, just so no one can text or call me, without getting the wrath of straight to voice mail.

Today, I don't even really want to use my sarcasm, I don't even want to give a smile to a living soul.

 I was not up for anything fun, I just wanted to sit and soak up all the hurt I was feeling. I really hate how I went from, 'popular' to the worlds newest target. Like, what did I even do? I didn't even rape him, the dude is just an idiot.

I followed my finger around the blade that was not in my lap. My mother gave me this when I turned 13. She said it would be useful in my life, as she was right. I was not one to hide in a corner, and regret my life, being alive, but look at what's happened to me.

In the past few weeks, the entire state of Washington is out to get me, and so many people dispize me. I went from the most popular, to the schools newest target. My dad almost tried killing me, making my sister watch. And, my best friend just told me we can't be friends, because they are starting to treat them like faggots too.

My grandmother, Lizzy was the only one there for me, ever since the beginning. She would hold my hand, whenever I needed help. I mean, I seventeen now, I think I need to walk my own path, no one holding my hand, along the way.

I got up from the couch, clutching the handle of the pocket knife, before walking into the bahroom.

I locked the door, before sitting down on the cool tile, and clutching my eyes shut, as I braced myself for the pain.

I twisted my left hand over, my palm facing my face. I took a deep breathe. before sliding the blade slowly over my wrist. All the pain leaving my body.

-Davids POV-

Adrian didn't answer or return any of my calls. He didn't answer Andrew's either. We really did mess up, bad. He was the best friend a person could wish for, and we basically threw him in the trash.

Maybe the dare wasn't such a good thing to follow through in. I mean, he was suffering, all alone. Somewhere, Adrian was either crying, or huddled in a ball. Although, I have no idea where he is.

Me and Andrew have been searching for him for about a day. No such luck. He left no hints, and he left everything here, besides himself.

He would have to come back eventually, to get his things, but I don't see that happening.

Man, I am just so stupid sometimes!

-Adrians POV-

The day went by quickly, since I passed out, after my little moment in the bathroom. I will soon have three scars on my wrist, and I was so glad the blood didn't flow everywhere. It just spilled through the cut, but it didn't gush out or anything, which was great.

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