CHapter 7

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 H O L Y       G O O D N E S S!               I          D R O P E D          S O           M A N Y     VIEWS AND STUFF! how MANY PEOPLE ARE STILL READING THIS STORY!? :'(


                                              I opened my door, the one that me and this girl shared. You know, it's the second day, and I don't even know her name. I think I will have to ask her, and maybe check my Jent account?

I layed down on my stiff bed, the cold blankets hitting my exposed pale arms. I mean, I wasn't some pale emo boy who stays locked away in his bedroom. I have a life, sort of.

I am no super star athletic boy, who has girls giving them his number every other second. Please. And, I'm glad I'm not like that. I mean, player make me feel, feel so sick! They way they take the 'hat' off of a girl, and they don't even try to make it special for them. Nope. They go in a stupid stall in the guys bathroom, or in the janitors closet.

I opened my lap top, and hit the weird little power button, and logged in.

ID:         (I forgot what the email was for the last chapter, so.... sorry!)

PA: * * * * * * * * * *

It uploaded to my page, I scrolled down, looking at what people said, and did on my profile. Nothing major. Just, a kid named Roger Banks has a birthday today. I clicked on his profile. I was interested in what this dude was like. I mean, I was not a scary creeper who looks at other peoples pages for fun. Okay, maybe for the FUN part. but I do it more for the FUNNY part. I mean, how different others act and seem online as soo different from what happens when the person is eye to eye.

"Hey!!! You got one of 'dem!? You should soo like, add me!" My hotel room partner lady girl screamed at me, making me jump so high, I swear I was hanging on the roof.

"Hmm... sure. What may your name be?" I asked, trying to act a tad but formal, but a little weird by saying the words, and byt the words I used.

'Rebecca Blaze!" Rebecca yelled, stunning me completely. She... was...!

"I think I know you." I said, a little hesitant, hoping she wouldn't remember. We were best friends in grade school, and now... we just stopped when we hit high school. Found our groups we both fit in better, all that stuff. I hardly ever even seen her. What is she doing is Hollywood?

"You do? Odd. What's your name, mr?" She asked, trying to impress me, but failed fast. That's one thing I loved, she was always nice. ALways made people smile, in their maddest moods. And, act weird, just to make someone sad or mad HAPPY!

"Blake, Blake blanferd. I remember you, But-" I said sheepishly. I was a little afraid she was mad at me. Maybe that's why she didn't hang out with me. I think I was holding her back, I mean, Me and david were her only friends, and high school came, and she was picked head cheerleader, so things went down from there.

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