Chapter 6

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                        H E L L O ------------ P E O P L E ----------- W A T ' S ---------------  U P?

            I ' M ------------  U P L O A D I N G ------- F O R ------------ Y O U !  !  !  !  !  !  !


                                                  I        L O V E      Y O U      A L L

                                                I leaned down from my bed, and untied my shoes, as I took them off. Me and David woke up really early, to go an scope out the city.

It was really cool. We went to the whole Celebrity Stars thing. We took pictures at so many of them, the flash started to spazz out. And by that, we mean It stopped working!

"Oh my flippin' goodness! It's Rihanna's! Whoo! Can we take a picture?!" David screamed, making everyone around us, stop and stare. Speaking of stopping and staring, that is such an awesome song!

"Sure dude, but were going over to Lady Gaga's next..." I said, taking out the camera, and taking the picture of David and I, sitting near the top of her Star.


"She has a star?" David asked, me and him getting up together, and walking by the stars, looking at them as if they were gold. Hmm...

"Hey, LOOK! It's Miley Cyrus!" Me and David yelled at the same time. I looked around me, to find a flower shop, and a hot dog stand. We both looked at each other, before running to one of the places. I ran to the flower shop, and David ran toward the Hot dog stand.

Why you ask?

 Because, In the tv show, Hannah Montana, When she got a Diamond, There were these carts, and people would eat chilie on her diamond, and then flower people would spit on it, and that is exactly what we are going to do.


"GET BACK HERE!" The cop yelled, scaring me and David, we looked behind us, and saw three cops running after us.

Me and David looked at each other, before bursting out into a sprint toward our Hotel.


S O R R Y -------- F O R --------- T A K I N G --------- A  L  L  ---------- T H I S ---------- T I M E

I ----------- A M ----------- S O R R Y ------- F O R ------ S H O R T N E S S!

 I          THINK           IT'S              JUS        T A           SHORT           FILLER.          LOL


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