Cyberbully Chap: 2

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"So, you never really told us why you don't like birthdays, Adrian." Andrew, said, something logical actually coming out of his mouth.

I looked at David, and we both laughed at the same thing. See, me and, David. we think alike. "Andrew, dearest friend... I don't just not like the whole birthday thing, I hate it! It's just a number. Like, 'ooo, I am turning 18 now. Means i can go to JAIL. no thanks. And, what's the joy in it? it's just a day you get stuff, because you were born. I mean, why would someone in my family be happy on my birthday?" I said.

"Dude-" David said, to both of us, but i cut him off.

"No, I think he should know. Andrew, I don't want pity, so don't give me any. Anyways, The day I was born, December 17Th, today, it was not planned out. My mom got pregnant with me, yeah. But, I was a problem for both of them. I was, a mistake. I was not supposed to be alive, be born. They, my parents, got an abortion, but apparently they screwed up, cuz, here I am. I, love my life with a capital L. But, my dad, he dosen't love me. He told me. It's an act. He just doesn't want my dead mom(his wife) to haunt him. She loved me, a mistake or not. She really did."

"Ouch, if you don't mind, you still haven't told me why you hate birthdays. If you don't want to say, I won't pry any further." Andrew said, stunning me, and David.

"It's fine bro. I hate them, because.... on my birthday, when i was born, in 94, I basically made my mom drop everything. She quit her awesome job, and she stayed home. My dad, he did not really like that. He actually said to my mother, I would be better off in an, orphanage. Anyways, as I got older, at midnight, my dad would come in my room with a belt, and abuse me. He once tried to strangle me, and caused me to go to the hospital." I said, taking away the tears that slithered down my pale cheeks at the memory.

"Adrian, if you don't want to continue, it's fine. I didm't mean it that way... I am so so so so sorry!" He said, making me smile a small smile. Hey, it was still a smile.

"No, I will continue. I deserve this much to you. Usually, he'd hit me in the torso, that way a shirt can hide it. But, when i was 13, he hit me everywhere, my face, my arms, my legs, my chest, and he.... he tried pulling off my, 'little Adrie' because he said I was a, 'pussy.' And, the afternoon of my birthday i turned 13, after he beaten me up, mom suggested we have a pool party. which meant one thing, she saw all the scars from my other birthdays that were still there, and she threatened to kill the person who did it to me, until she found out it was my dad." I said, full on balling now.

"Come on, Adrian. He won't hurt you this year, you'll be in, California." David said, winking at me.

Winking?! What. The. Fudge?!

I threw it out of my thoughts, and just spoke, "yep. What if he flies down with me? I mean, last year, he almost killed me, every year it gets worse, some way. Maybe this year, he will actually do it?" I asked, but I really wasn't asking the stupid question. I was just so scared for my life, literally.

"Look, were at school. We will pick up on this later, okay? We missed half of class sitting here." And sure enough, it was 9:45.

"SHIT!" Me and Andrew yelled, as we jumped out of Davids car, and headed for the principals office, so we can get passes.

I stormed up the stupid little path, and ignored all the,

'Hello, Adrian.'



'see ya later, sexy.'

'hello, got somewhere to be, speedy?'

"happy birthday, Adrie."

"How old are you now?'

'So hot in that shirt, Adrian!'


I made it to the office, and put my backpack on the desk, writing down the things you needed to fill out.

Name: AdrianBlanferd

Date: 12\17\11

Class: 11

HR: Mr. Venn

Since when have they made you write down so much?! I handed the front desk lady the paper, and she signed it, before giving it back to me. "Happy birthday, Adrian." She said, I nodded slowly, before she spoke again, to take away my confusion. "I have 2 daughters here, and they talk about you a lot." She said, before going back to work.


I stepped back from the desk, grabbing my book bag, and making my way to the Science wing, hopefully class would be a little less boring today.

But, only one can wish.

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Sorry it is a little shot, its 1am here! and I don't write well on an empty stomach, that's right... I didn't eat breakfast(woke up at noon) and didn't feel like eating lunch(too lazy). and dinner(i wasn't home, but if you count a twinkie as a dinner, i had dinner).

But life you guys care, all about you guys huh? No, i'm kidding.

Please give me feedback on this story by::::::

Hitting the,



Or, you guys can make my day, and leave me a comment?!

If, I don't get 2 comments on this chapter, then it will be two or three days till next update? And, I at least want                    1                     person hitting the 'LIKE' button.

Is that so much to ask?



[no editing was done on this chapter, so don't get mad at some spelling errors, or grammar mistakes, im just a human. And, Good night WORLD!]

<3 ya

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