Small Bump, Big Fued

Start from the beginning

(we're going nowhere)

You can run but you'll never escape

(over and over again)

Will we ever see the end?

(we're going nowhere)

This is sempiternal

Will we ever see the end?

This is sempiternal!”

Over and over, again and again.” She fell off the cliff taking Kellin with her.

I jolted straight out of bed. I was drenched in sweat and tangled in the sheets. Megan was sleeping as soundly as ever next to me. I was breathing hard. I took a deep breath and let out a sigh. It was just a dream. Megan turned over and her stomach hit my side. I smiled at the thought of something I helped created is growing inside of her. I’m going to be a father. I shuffled in the bed and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. I took a picture of Megan’s bumped and posted it on twitter.

2 months and still growing

I looked over at her again and her arm was covering her face. I stared at her scars. I wonder why her dad abused her. How can someone so beautiful and generous as Megan could possibly do something to get all of that? I took Megan’s phone from the other nightstand and looked through her photos. There was this girl with half her blonde hair dyed pink. With a nose ring like Vic’s. The next was a photo of that girl with her tongue shoved down Vic’s throat. Why would Megan have photos of that on her phone. The next photo struck me. I looked at her features and eyes and realized that is the same girl I met a year ago.

That girl kissing Vic was Megan.

What the fuck. Her phone vibrated.

Congratulations you have won two tickets to Bring Me The Horizon concert.

Two? She didn’t tell me about a concert, unless she wasn’t taking me. I went back through her photos and saw her on Vic’s back with Mike and Andy in the background.

Hold the fuck up, Andy?

The next photo was her and Vic sticking their tongues out towards the camera.

Since when their friendship involve all of this. I sent the photos to my phone and then I texted Vic.

Kellin: we’re you and Megan a couple before me and you met. Or before me and Megan met?

Vic: dude, where would u get an idea like that from???

Kellin:4 photo attachments.

Vic: shit dude, listen I can explain.


Vic: it was before you and Megan met. about 3 years ago, yes, Megan and I were a couple. But we decided it was too weird and we ended it after 5 months. Those three photos were from the time we were dating. The one with us kissing, I honestly don’t remember that one, because that was a year ago. And a year ago weren’t a couple.


Vic: man, seriously. You know I don’t think of Megan that way anymore.

Kellin: I believe you, I guess. But what about the BMTH concert???

Vic: we had that plan months ago and we entered a contest. I didin’t know we got it in!

Pale Aura k.q [Discontinued for re-writing]Where stories live. Discover now