First Mission: Save the Dragon?

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I'm still caught int the moment where Mira said that I'm a HERO and I'm just sixteen well about to turn my birthday is in just a few weeks from now but back to the whole super-cat-hero-thing, how am I gonna nail this I need to talk to Mira but she might as well be asleep. Wait. I don't know that but I could try.

I'm on my bed concentrating on how to make her appear, I talk to my inner cat inside of me and reach deep,deep into my most inner(est) soul.
       "Mira please up wake up, I-i need to talk to you about the whole super cat stuff. I don't get on how to use my powers or our power, please come out....."
    I'm technically begging to myself but drastic times mean to drastic measures.
Then it hits me again. Again. I know this is Mira cause she's coming out of me from my chest.
   "You awoken moi." She says tiredly in a french accent (I think she's from France well my old soul is.).
"Yes I did wake you and I'm sorry then I'm not cause I need your help, how can I control the power I have well what you gave me." She just looked at me with her kitty tired eyes and blinked rubbing her eyes then stood on her hind legs and told me to come with her even though this is my house. She brought me to the br and said these words with such knowledge,"Okay look at yourself in the mirror. Look at your eyes and focus only on that." I did as I was told and when I was focusing the tension burned, my eyes started to sting and I feel paralyzed. Great, this is great, when I needs help she planned on paralyzing me. "Okay Ciere, do you feel paralyzed? Cause if you do then that's great,"

That's great well what does she flipping mean!!!! I don't want to feel paralyzed I feel insecure and helpless and worthless (probably the same thing but who would care right now if you'd feel like someone put cement on your entire freaking body and you'd feel like a statue!!!!), Mira looks at me kinda frightened I don't know why but then I snap and notice in the mirror that I'm on fire: my whole face is red like a fire truck,  steam coming out and I'm grabbing a(n) shampoo bottle and squeezed all the well shampoo out. "Uh, Ciere you okay???"
" Yeah I'm fine just thought about oh I don't know why do my legs feel like paralyzed!!!! Is this some kind of JOKE!!!!!! Mira I wanted your help with using my power not on me!!!!!" By now I have raised my voice loud enough that the entire neighborhood could hear me.
        "No this is part of your training it's that you are supposed to get fired up but not at me focus that anger on how the villain will take down the city and try to defeat you."
she looks a bit more awake, oh wait nvm. "You should really get sleep you do have school tomorrow." She's right I was bout to sleep then I noticed Mira was not going back in,"Hey Mira one more question, aren't you supposed to be well inside or can you stay out like forever and it won't hurt anymore right?"
"No it won't hurt anymore that was just like what two three times and done now I can come out when I want or summoned but mainly when I smell fish and any type of cheese I don't care if it's old like you did when I was hungry, well let's go to sleep I'm tired." So am I, we went to my room and settled in our bed(I am now sharing with Mira pulse she's small and cute!).

I have window door you know like in the movie the Little Mermaid when Ariel opens her long tall big windows, that's what I have well any who, it felt chilly so I got up and closed the door but something caught my attention I looked out into the dark,tried and saw........................"Dragon??" I don't know why but he looks hurt lying in the front of my house, I woke Mira and told her to transform me into Cat Noir.
"Time to safe people or what ever I don't know I'm not good at this hero talk well let's safe Dragon." I went down stairs to the back of the house and went outside. I started to run towards were I saw him lying I found him and looked if he's still breathing, I checked for his pulse and . Phew. He's still alive that's a good sign, I carried him (OMGOSH he's heavy but not a lot to were I can't carry him but surprisingly I can) on my back and started to go somewhere where no one find us , I talked to Mira inside and asked her where to hide, she said,"Go on top a building in the Center and wake him up with this," this object magically appears in my right hand it's looks like coal and matches?? I don't know but I'll check later, first I have to run and fast.


I make it to the top of a building more like a skyscraper but don't care and I drop Dragon and I look at coal and the matches and then it's like my mind is calculating the steps well that's exactly what it's doing; its my vision that's doing that.
I have the matches and coal to start a fire for Dragon to eat (now I get it) .


Five minutes have past and I already gave him his food but no so what else do I do I have no idea but then out of nowhere I say that these words,"I'm your partner in crime now . We're a team now, please don't give up on your partner, I know we just met but please." I said I trying to sound convincing. I got up cause I've done all I could but when I was on my way to claw done when I heard a voice, I turned around slowly and saw
Dragon standing weakly smirking like when he saved me. He came closer to me and held my hand and was going to kiss it but I avoided it, I got my other free hand (pointer finger) and pushed him on the nose. I began to claw down then dragon said,"We're a team now so let me fly you down and then we can go our separate ways, Cat---what?"
"Noir, its Cat Noir."
The corner of his lip curl into a smile and then I can't help but smile too.

Cat Noir and Dragflame (hero by day or night)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora