'He's alright and not pressing charges'

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I must have sat there for two hours, probably more before i was able to see him.

I had to follow the ambulance from my own vehicle, as someone who is normally a careful driver and I still care about people's physical well-being, I'm not evil, I could have seriously hurt him and I never said I wanted to put a man in the hospital.

He entered in on crutches, his hair was messy and he looked tired but his face made the rest of him was completely wrong like nothing was wrong and he smiled. The guy was SMILING.

"Don't worry, I'm not pressing charges," he assured.

I mentally sighed. Oh I had forgotten about how serious this could have been.

I gave him a hug. I don't know why.

Wait. He's a guy. There must be a catch. There's always a catch.

"Wait... What's the catch?" I asked, pulling away.

"Well there is one thing..." He replied hesitantly.

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