Michael - Just Saying

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dedicated to myself, the biggest michael stan i know

Writer: Shelby

To say the least, Michael admired you.

And you knew it.

You'd catch him watching you during lunch, with your boyfriend. And his friends. You two used to be friends - best friends, even - until your boyfriend came along and told him to back off. You tried to talk to him, but he was too possessive. You genuinely loved him, and he genuinely loved you, he wasn't a jerk, just an over-protective partner.

You could picture yourself with him in the future - maybe a couple kids, two-story house, eventually grandparents. You and him could settle.

But he was there.

Willing to take you away, spend the rest of his life you away and nothing else will ever matter to him as long as you're together.

Michael was there.

He was your best friend. You managed to convince your boyfriend of that, and that he was all that he will ever be.

But you knew otherwise.


It was your graduation ceremony five months after you and Michael reestablished your friendship when he finally confessed. Honestly, you were beginning to wonder when he would.

"I love you. I have for a while."

"I know."

"Why haven't you said anything?"

"Because I love you too."


This was it. You texted your boyfriend to meet at his car, right after school.

You wanted your breakup to be private, and put where people can see you so he won't go crazy.

  "Where to, babe?"

  "Nowhere, can you just - we need to talk."

  "That's not a good sign. Am I in trouble?"

  "Not you. Listen, I need to tell you something."

  "You're not pregnant are you? We haven't even-"

  "I'm not pregnant! I just need to tell you this straight up so it's crystal clear to you."


  "I think we should break up."

There was a long pause before you looked at him and realized you needed to say more.

  "We're still so young, and don't get me wrong, I had the best time with you - you're one of my best friends - but I haven't figured out if I want to spend the rest of my life with someone yet." That was a lie. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with Michael.

  "It's - it's Michael, isn't it? That motherf-"

  "This has nothing to do with Michael." Yet another lie.

  "You better not be lying to me, Y/N."


You and your ex-boyfriend were officially over, but still friends; barely any awkward tension. He quickly moved on to his rebound girl, a girl whom you disliked very much and was a downgrade for your ex but you respected his decisions, and you ended up starting to go out on dates with Michael.

Sure, you had your occasional fights and banter, but that's what they say strengthens the relationship.



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