General - Star Gazing

110 7 1

Dedicated to Chloe, ty for the great idea!

Writer: Shelby


You were with the boys again, spending the night over at their place before they had to leave for tour.

Currently, the amount of neglect and attention was clearly lacking and no one seemed to be bothered. You were sat on the sofa, scrolling through your twitter timeline back against a certain Kiwi, whom was probably doing the same.

Michael was off somewhere - no one knew where exactly - Luke was in that unconscious state where you couldn't tell if he was asleep or dead, and Ashton was trying to stay awake by taking heavy doses of coffee.

  "Ashton, how many mugs of pure caffeine have you already had?" You asked, your voice echoing throughout the house from the empty and quiet atmosphere.

You heard fumbling in the kitchen, little mumbles of curses and a loud thump. "Umm, probably about fou--OW MOTHERFF--" He was interrupted by a loud shatter on the floor, and he practically leaped out of the kitchen, and unto the carpeted floor of the living room, where you were watching him struggle.

  "Alright," you sighed at Ashton's strange antics, "get that cleaned up and everyone back into the living room." You cupped your hands around your mouth, "And that means you too, Clifford, wherever you are!"

  "I stubbed my toe..." You heard the drummer mumble as he proceeded to follow your instructions.

A pale hand suddenly popped up on the arm rest of the couch Luke was... let's say asleep on, and you and Calum shrieked, immediate thoughts directed to a zombie apocalypse.

  "Did I miss the part-ay?" You rolled your eyes as Michael dragged himself up on the side of the couch, slowly pushing Luke away to make room for him sitting down.

  "How drunk are you?" Calum said, pocketing his phone and standing up.

The guitarist squinted his eyes and made a symbol with his index finger and thumb, which meant just a little. You knew he was more drunk than a little, maybe even wasted, but you didn't care.

Hearing the garbage bin open and close, you sat up properly, patting the vacant spot beside you in invitation for Ashton to sit.

"Can someone just wake Luke the hell up?"

Michael raised his hand contentedly like a child, a wide grim on his face that no one could ever deny. "Ooh, I'll do it!"

The colorful haired boy violently shook the blonde, unfortunately making him conscious once again in a rude awakening kind of way.

You smiled, wondering to yourself how you got into this situation in the first place.

"Luke? You good, mate?" Calum asked, concerned. In response, he only got a blubbered version of "Fuck... Yeah".

Once you made sure everyone was on their high-alert mode; even though you and Calum were the only sober and fully functioning ones, you proposed your suggestion.

"Let's go out."


Obviously, you drove with Ashton in the passenger seat and Calum in between Michael and Luke.

"Why did I get stuck with these two again?" Calum asked, fidgeting as he tried to adjust his seatbelt.

"I needed someone to supervise them until we get there. Ashton's not really in the right state," You replied, looking at the drummer quickly and saw him - wide-eyed and everything - looking out the window like an excited dog. You swore you saw him stick out his tongue.

"Where are we going, Mum?" You hear Luke mumble.

"You'll see soon," You answered, thinking it wasn't worth it to tell him that you weren't his mother. He would forget by the time he woke up, anyways.

Your destination was actually an old place the 5 of you used to go to all the time, before they were an official band.

"Oh my god, are we really going there?" Calum gasped. "I haven't been here in..."

"Forever." Ashton surprised you with his sudden dialogue, but it was a good kind of surprise nonetheless.

You parked behind the hill, in which you remembered the 5 of you named George the Rollie-Pollie Lovin' Hill. Shaking your head as you thought, "How did we ever let Michael and Ashton name this hill?", you got out of the car and ushered Ashton out too.

When you saw that Michael was just about done vomiting out all the toxic he had consumed into a nearby trash bin, you called the boys over as you ran to the top of the hill.

"Guys! It's just like before!"

You heard the reckless and loud footsteps of the bandmates, and they stopped next to you, two on each side.

All of you were amazed.

The stars were glowing to what seemed like brighter than the moon, but nothing beat the smiles on your faces.

Pearly whites reflected the light of the night sky, and it was almost just as gorgeous. Michael had seemed to snap out of it, sobering up a little but still was guaranteed a massive headache in the morning. You took Calum and Luke's hand, and they both squeezed back. You didn't think that they would hold each other's hands now, and they didn't, but it was the best you were going to get out of them.


"Why do I feel like we're the most awake compared to the rest of the day?"

You put one leg on the other, and laid your arms behind your head as you stared into the beautiful crescent moon.

"Because, Luke," you started, "we just needed some fresh air. And some time together to talk."

"Seriously, we have longer conversations on Twitter than in real life," Calum chuckled.

Your shoulders twitched as Ashton suddenly sneezed. "Jesus, Ash, give us a warning next time - we were having a moment."

Ashton made a snorting noise and rubbed his nose. "Sorry, I guess it's the grass."

"You're not allergic to grass." Luke said.

"I'm allergic to the outdoors," Michael added.

"Good, I hope you get hives." Calum said.

You groaned as they continued to bicker, but they kept their voices low and limited it to only a play fight - so you didn't have to intervene. You closed your eyes and focused on everything.

The grass tickled your ears as the cool breeze swept by.

The boys' movement next to you - a sign of comfort and content.

A distant owl flapping its wings nearby, most probably holding it's prey in its talons.

The last thing before you drifted off into sleep, was the laughter of your best friends.

Even in your dreams, you could hear them.


Okay, the last line might've seemed a little creepy, but I like it.

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