"Anyone living here is in danger," Sam agreed. "They have more staff--hey, where are you going?"

Dani was heading purposefully towards the door. "I'll see you at the hotel!" she called to him. And with a bang of the door closing, she was gone.


She was on her laptop, researching, when a knock sounded at the door. Sighing, she closed the screen and let the Winchesters in.

"You just disappeared!" Sam exclaimed.

She simply shrugged.

He sighed. "Have you found anything?"

She sat back down at the table. "Just this." Dani pulled up a newsletter from two years ago.

"Helen's husband supposedly killed himself in the house two years ago," she told them. "It was completely out of the blue, especially considering the amount of money they had and his status in the town."

"Supposedly?" Dean repeated.

"Well, maybe it wasn't a suicide," Dani suggested. "His ghost could be coming back for revenge on his killer."

Sam made a face. "Sounds likely. Did the other deaths happen after that?"

Her fingers flew across the keyboard. "Um... Yeah, they did." Dani scooted over to let Sam and Dean see the screen. "Butler went six months after the guy and the chef bit it a year later."

"Alright," Dean declared, picking up his jacket, "let's go ask the family where he's buried."

"Can we eat first? I'm starved," Dani asked.

He shrugged. "Sure, I'll go hit up the diner. What do you want?"

Sam opened his mouth. "I know what you want," Dean stopped him. He pointed to the girl.

"Can I have chips and a vegetable burger?"

Dean made a face. "A veggie burger?"

She shrugged. "I'm vegetarian."

Sam turned to her. "Seriously?"

"What? Yeah, so?"

They were silent. Dean sighed. "And what do you mean by chips, Brit?" he asked, smirking.

"Don't call me that," Dani snapped. "And I mean 'French fries'."


Dani and Sam knocked on the large, dark wood door. Claudia opened it a crack.

"What is it?" she spit.

Dani raised her eyebrows and turned to Sam, expecting his face to mimic hers in some way. Instead, he radiated compassion. Dani was surprised at first, but found herself smiling. His kindness warmed her heart. She could never imagine being so nice; the world simply did not work that way.

"Sorry, Ms. Freely, but we have just been informed about Helen's husband's death, and we have a few more questions."

Dani could swear she saw something flicker in the woman's eyes. Something like fear, perhaps? But it was gone in a second, and Claudia quietly allowed the two in.

"So, John committed suicide, correct?" Sam began.

"Yes..." the woman said wearily.

Dani did not listen to the rest of the conversation. She looked around the capacious room until her dark eyes landed on a shadow. Curious, Dani tiptoed over. As she grew closer, she made out a girl shrinking away.

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