Chapter 25

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I shot straight up in bed, tears streaming down my face.
I've gotten used to short sleeps filled with nightmares. But they have never been so bad.
Ring ring. My phone started ringing on the floor where it must've fallen.
I picked it up and looked at the called ID.
Unknown caller.
The fuck? "Hello?" I said into the phone.
"Hello. Is this Violet Briarcliff?" A man with a deep voice replied. He must've been in his 50's-60's.
"Yes... May I ask who's asking?"
"Hello, my name is Dr. Fhilip Russle. I'm at Trinity Hospital. I believe your friend, Tate, had been checked in here the other day? Your the one that made the 911 call?" His voice was an eerie calm, and I could hear a hint of sadness.
"Yes. Oh my god. Is he okay!?" I almost yelled into the phone.
"Well... I'd like to talk to you in person... Is there anyway you could be here in a half hour?" He asked.
"Umm yah. Yes. Sure. I'm on my way."
"Great. See you s-"
"Dr. Fhilip, could you please just tell me if he's alright?!"
"Violet, I have goodness and bad news. For the time being, he's okay. Later, however, I'm not sure. Just try to get here within the next half hour." He hung up the phone.
I stood there in shock.
What the hell did that mean!?
'For the time being, he's okay. Later, however, I'm not sure.'
I went into the bathroom to see how bad I looked.
I stepped in front of the mirror, wincing.
My back eye liner and mascara was smeared across my face. My eyes are bloodshot, like I haven't stopped crying.
I took my finger, stuck it in my mouth, licked it, and then tried to wipe away some of the smeared makeup.
After about 2 minutes of trying to get it off, I gave up. It's not like I'm going to some fancy restaurant, I'm going to a fucking hospital!!!
It was then I realized I didn't have a ride.
Ring ring. My phone started ringing Asian, so I went over the bed and looked at who was calling.
I was shocked by the name that appeared on the screen. Slowly, I swiped the screen and put the phone to my head.
"H-hello?" I whispered into the phone.
I heard a sigh of relief followed by "hey."
"What do you want?" I asked.
"I-I wanted to make sure your okay."
"Why? Last time I checked, you didn't care. You were perfectly fine with your best friend being dead, and your other best friends contemplating suicide. You could fucking care less Cameron." I breathed into the phone, noticing that I hadn't had a breath in a while.
"Don't fucking 'Vi,' me. You lost the privilege to call me that the second you ditched me at the hospital. The second you decided not to call or text. The minute you decided not to go to his funeral. The minute that you decided not to care. What the fuck do you want Cameron!? 'Cause it sure as hell isnt to make sure I'm okay," I practically screamed into the phone.
"Violet. Please. Just listen. I didn't ditch you at the hospital. Not even close to it. After Nash left, and I took you to the hospital, I waited and waited and waited. I waited for hours for the doctor to come and give me news. Or for you to be finished. I didn't think that a 'check up' would take 7 hours. Then the doctor came and told me that you had went unconscious. I asked to see you. They let me into the room. We were surrounded by doctors and shit.
"V- Violet- the machine started beeping and the it stopped. It went to a blank beep. A nurse grabbed me and tore me out of the room. Doctors went all over the place. They started running and yelling to each other. They pulled out this cart with a dipibulator they started rubbing the things together and pressing them to your heart.
I waited for you for 2 days. We all did. Eventually we had to go back to school. And eventually you woke up.
"My grandpa died. I had to go to his funeral. And then all of s sudden Nash ends up dead. It was too much for me to handle. I had to leave. I went to my uncles ranch up in Kansas. I stayed there for a week. I didn't return to school for 3. I cared. I care. My phone fell into a stream while I was at the ranch. I couldn't get my contacts of number back. I couldn't calm or text. And then you haven't been at school."
"What about today!? If what your saying is correct then what about today!?" I cried.
"You left before the show started. Me and Tay beat the living shit out of them. Suspended for 2 weeks, detention for 5." He laughed into the phone.
"I need a ride. Like now." I said, looking at the clock, resizing that 10 minutes had gone by.
"What? Now? Yah. Sure. Wait. Why? Where? Are you at your house?" He questioned.
"No. It's Tate. I need to go to the hospital. Meet me at the Starbucks next to 5th and 3rd." I said, grabbing my stuff and walking out of the house.
"Okay. See you soon." I heard the jingle of his keychain and then he hung up.
I sighed and walked down toward the Starbucks.
I didn't want him knowing where this place was. I didn't want anyone.
It was mine and Tate's home now. No one as going to get in the way of that.
Long chapter sorry. :):

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