Chapter 19

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-Sister Rocky's POV-
(*Btw sister is a nun*)

I was on my way to the sad funeral of the young boy when I heard strange noises coming from the sacred prayer room.
I knocked on the door and asked for whom ever was in there to please quiet down. They must be having a very intense prayer session.
After a moment, the sounds started again, even after me telling them to stop.
So, I took my ring of keys out and unlocked the prayer room.
"OH MY LORD!!!!" As soon as I opened the door, I regretted it.
A young-handsome- man, totally naked, on top of a young- pretty- girl, who was also naked.
The boy had short brown hair, that was greasy. The girl had a black curly mess of hair at the top of her head, but it somehow looked good on her. She was laying on the floor, surrounded by their clothes. He was inside of her and on top of her.
Thrusting back and fourth, the two of them stopped when I screamed. Both of them a sweaty mess.
"Y'ALL NEED JESUS!!!" I screamed at them, turning away.
"GET DRESSED!" I yelled, then remembering the standards at this institute. "Then bend over the desk. A crime like this is punishable by cane. And 1 year
sleep away school. I'll explain that later." I went into the cabinet and pulled out a thin, flexible cane, used to whip the behinds of those who misbehave.
I walked over to where the two of them were standing. I looked into the eyes of the girl, she had nice brown eyes that matched the boy perfectly. they both looked genuinely sorry and scared, so instead of 10 whips I'll only give 5 each.
"Bend over, and pull your pants and undies down. Lean over the desk, tush facing me." Slowly, the two of them looked at each other and bent over.
Just as the girl was about to pull her pants down, the boy grabbed her hand and yelled "wait!" He turned back around and looked me in the eye. "It was my fault. I pressured her to. I wanted to and it was my idea. Give me her whippings." He stood in front of the girl protectingly and slipped his hand into hers.
I looked between the two of them, deciding that either way the girl would suffer- either physically, or mentally, when her lover has to receive double whippings because of her.
"Fine. Girl, you are dismissed. Stand in the corner and watch."
"No! Kit. Don't do this. I can take it-!" She started saying but he cut her off before she could finish.
"No, it's fine. Do as she says."
The girl sulked over to the corner and stood, watching in horror as the boy slowly turned around, pulled his pants down and bent over the desk.
Taking the cane and turning it over in my hands, I decided he would get 12 hits.
I pulled my arm back, and then quickly flung it forward, watching the cane collide with his soft, round cheeks.
He screamed out in agony and pain. I pulled the cane away, smirking at the red, dripping sight of the wound left on his tush.
There was a red, bloody line across his right cheek, the area around it was a bright red.
Listening to his cries, I struck again, and again, and again until he received all 12 whips.

With his special lady-friend in the corner, crying, he slowly stood back up. Tears streaming down both of their faces, he looked in a mirror at the damage that was done.
He gasped at the sight, and looked like he was about to pass out.
I put the cane back in the cabinet and wiped it off with a cloth, which I then threw at the boy, to dab the dripping blood.
With cries still escaping their mouths and eyes, they embraced into a hug, which ended with the girl helping him tend to the wounds.
"Isn't this child abuse!?" The girl yelled through her tears, looking me in the eyes.
"Not when your a church, mental institution, and a school. Which, you both will be attending for a minimum of 1 year. Your lucky I don't change it to 3."
Both of their jaws dropped as they looked back and forth between me and each other.
"If you guys would just follow me," the boy pulled his pants and underwear back up and put the cloth on the desk. "I'll bring you to the head masters office, she will get you all set with the school part." I smiled at them and held the door open.
After they walked through, I lead them down a narrow hall to Sister Jude's office.

Sorry for long chapter. I just really wanted to update. And give you guys a good chapter. <3
Hope you guys are enjoying so far! There's still a lot more to go!!  Goodnight!!

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