Ch. 2 Mystery Girl

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/ / Dylan's P.O.V. / /


   The whole time in class I couldn't stop thinking about the girl from yesterday, she wasn't like the girls from here. She was obviously from the streets, but she was gorgeous... I don't even know her! What am I thinking?!

   My dance teacher dismissed us, and I walked into the showers and walked into a stall. I stripped my tights and V-neck and got into the shower, I washed my body and wet my face trying to clear my head of the thoughts of the girl, we followed her to where ever she was going to piss her off but it seemed her 'crew' wasn't to happy to see us.

   I finished showering and stepped out wrapping a towel around my waist, I grabbed my bag from the bench in the stall and put on a gray V-neck, black skinny jeans, some black and white vans and my warn in black leather jacket. I walked out of the stall, sliding my jacket on and swinging my jacket over my shoulder. I shoved it into my locker before grabbing my phone and keys and walking outside texting Jamie and Eli to hurry up so we could leave.

   I saw them walking up the hall and I met them half way, "Hey man, what do you guys wanna do?"  Jamie asked.  Eli  shrugged his shoulders and I said "How 'Bout we go to the park?"  Jamie agreed and Eli nodded his head, we walked to his Dodge Viper. I loved this car, he started the engine and revved it as a bunch of girls walked past, they giggled as he winked at them as we sped of out of the parking lot.

   We reached the park in a good 5 minutes, we heard the faint sound of bass pounding on the other side, no one usually went there. We got curious and as we walked on the bass got louder, we gasped when we saw a huge croud in a circle. It was a dance off, an illegal one at that. We joined the circle and looked around, the boys and I smirked when we saw the girls from yesterday.

   The one who stood up to Raena yesterday was there watching the guy that was in there at the moment, when he stepped out she high-fived him them jumped in the circle.

Huh, didn't see her as the dancing type.

   When she was in the middle of the circle, she swung her hips in a circular motion making all the guys whistle. She smirked and another guy, I saw him yesterday, jumped in. He walked behind her and when he was about to grab her waist , she jerked back just missing him. They must have choreographed this... She swung her head around and pumped her chest at him.

   He stayed down but rose up a slightly starting a break dance routine. These guys were good, as he stepped out she continued her routine, I smirked and stepped in, everyone gasped at me as she narrowed her eyes. She stepped forward and put a finger on my chest, before slowly walking around me. She started dancing again, but was getting closer and closer to me, getting in my space, signaling a dance off. I gladly accepted and jerked forward makinng her flip backward. We continued dancing until another girl jumped in the circle. I immediatly recognized that it was Raena, everyone burst out laughing as she started her ballet routine, she gasped at the sudden out burst and walked out of the circle.

   Most people were starting to leave, I left the circle and was greeted with slaps on the back from Jamie and Eli, I looked around trying to find the girl and saw her now in the skatepark with her friends. 

   She was sitting in the middle of the 'bowl' while the guys jumped over her and her friends. I made my way over, making eveyone stop talking. They all stared at me in disbelief. The guys stopped skating and glared at me as I made my way over to the girl, "Nice dancing," I said to her, she rolled her eyes and got up walking to one of the guys and grabbing a skateboard. I followed her and said "Usually when someone compliments you, it's polite to say thankyou" She rolled her eyes and replied "I don't take compliments from rich kids." 

   "What makes you think we are so bad?"  I asked her "I don't think I know, we work our asses of for things we want. All of the people here, barley have one parent let alone any. We tought ourselves everything we know, we fend for ourselves. Where you little snobby, rich kids get everything given to you on a silver platter, you get into the dance schools with your money. We work for EVERYTHING."  She spat at me, I was taken aback by her words. I was utterly suprised that, that was what she thought.

   I   looked behind me to see Eli and Jamie getting along GREAT with those guys and girls. They could adjust to these situations, they were comfortable with this kind of thing they grew up like that,. Bailey, Rick and I were born with money...

   I watched as she skated down the ramp, doing tricks on her board, I walked over to the group and waited while Eli and Jamie said 'bye' to their new friends. We walked back to Jamie's car and got in.

   "So how'd it go with the girl?"  Eli asked as I shrugged and he nodded his head getting the point. We arrived at my house and I stepped out of the car giving them a slight wave goodbye before walking up the steps on the porch and making my way into the house. "Hey, sweetie"  my mother greeted me and I mumbled a slight hey and walked to my room.

   I opened the door and flopped on my bed groaning, "Whats up pretty boy?"  my sister said walking in, she sat down next to me on my bed as I flipped over looking at the ceiling. "Well, there's this girl, but she isn't like us. She's from the streets. She is an amazing dancer and I want to get to know her, but well ... Because we're rich she thinks we are like every other snobby rich kid and won't even give me a second chance."  I explained to her, she nodded her head and sighed.

"Give her time, maybe she'll come around..."  She said leaving my room.

   I got up and walked into my bathroom. I stepped into the showerand stood in there for about 20 minutes just thinking about the girl. I stepped out and put a pair of boxers on and slipped into bed.

The last thing I thought of was the girl and how I was going to win her over...

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          So there's CHAPTER 2 !!!

     SORRY IT'S SO SHORT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     I just didn't really know what to write for Dylan...

 Still tryin to get into his character... you know what I mean? ;)

            Hope you guys are liking the story so far




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