"Hindi ako nagpapakilig. Totoo 'yun," I said, grinning as I pinched her cute little nose.

"I'll quit all my bad habits for you," I added.

"Even snoring?" she teased.

"I do not snore," I laughed as I attacked her with kisses on the neck, making her giggle uncontrollably.

"Stop it, lab!" she paused, panting— "But seriously though, I am very proud of you tonight. You rocked that stage like a pro! Look back from where you started and now you're here! You're amazing!"

She looked at me with so much awe and excitement in her eyes. Sometimes I wonder what I ever did in my past life to deserve someone like her in this life time.

"Calm down, honey. This is only my first gig, don't get your hopes up too much."

"Basag ka naman eh! Proud na proud na nga ako sa'yo tapos babasagin mo lang," she whined.

Too cute. Whiney Jade is cute.

"I couldn't have done it without you. You started all of this, remember? You and and that pretty little head of yours," I said as I gave her a big fat kiss on her forehead.

"I just gave you the idea, it's all you... This is just the beginning, love. I can't wait 'til you make your dreams come true, and when that time comes, I wanna be the one standing next to you."

I leaned in closer— filling the small gap between us.

"Of course, love,"

"I love you... I love you... I love you... I will never get tired of saying that." I murmured against her lips.

"And I will never get tired of hearing that. I love you, too," she whispered.

As my lips got covered with hers, her hands snaked around my neck to push me harder against her. My tongue skimmed along her bottom lip teasingly as she opened her mouth slightly— taking control and deepening the kiss. Her tongue battled with mine for dominance, causing me to groan into her mouth.

My fingers tangled into her hair as my other hand trailed down her chest— groping her through the thin fabric of her shirt. Her tongue swirled around my mouth as she lets out a soft moan. I pulled away briefly to unbutton her shirt, and just as I was going to reconnect my lips with hers, the door slammed open and there stood a red-faced Sally.

"Andito na si P— What the fuck is this?" she screamed.

Before either of us could utter a single word, Sally has already fled the fire exit, leaving us astonished.

Jade took in a deep breath and said, "well, fuck."

"What are we going to do now, Jade? Ano sasabjhin natin? This is so bad! Of all people bakit si Sally pa!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down. I'm thinking."

"How can I calm down? You heard how she speaks kanina! Malamang magagalit 'yan, or worse baka magsumbong pa!" I said, panicking. This can't be happening. We've been careful for too long, and now this.


While I think of all the possible excuses we could say, and all the worst possible scenarios that might happen, Jade just stood there— contemplating.

"Don't just stand there, she's your best friend, go talk to her," I said, clearly frustrated that she's doing nothing.

"You know what, I'm so sick and tired of this."

"Of what?"

"Fuck it."

She didn't answer my question as she dragged me out of the fire exit. "She needs to prove to me that she's my best friend," I heard her murmur.

She grabbed my hand and led me towards our booth. The guys, Paul included, are on their third bucket of beer and are chatting animatedly except for Sally who's quietly sitting at the far end corner.

"Guys," said Jade as everybody turned their heads.

"Si Althea nga pala," she paused— "my girlfriend."

She laced her fingers with mine and showed it to everybody.

"Finally!" Paul said, as the rest of them cheered, and at the corner of my eye, I saw Sally smile too.

I looked at Jade in disbelief. I never expected her to do this, not after months of completely hiding.

This is a big step, especially for Jade.

She cupped my face and kissed me on the lips in front of everybody as she murmured, "I love you, Althea and I am proud to have you."

If it was even possible, I think I fell more in love with her after that and more so as the days gone by.


You were like a drug to me, Jade.

A bad habit.

Everyday in every way you make me fall more in love with you, and I couldn't stop myself.

You were an addiction.

And just like all bad habits, I have to quit this one too.

And that is why I have to let you go.


Author's Note: Yep, it's a bit short. I am kind of in a rut, so yeah. But yay for 3k views! :) Anyway, leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you. :)

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