Chapter 16

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September 2015

Jade's POV

"Jade... Please, I know you're still bitter about your past but if you don't wanna do this for her, then at least do it for me... You owe me this much." David said in a pleading tone.

"Give me a few days... then I'll know what to do." I said frustratedly and ended the call.

"Who's that?" asked Sally as she took a piece of poutine fries from my plate.

I woke up that morning with Sally's face hovering over mine asking me to tag along on her day's mission.

I fell asleep reading Althea's journal, and next thing I know, Sally is dragging me across town in search of a perfect pair of shoes to match her new Givenchy ensemble.

She doesn't take no for an answer.

"David..." I sighed.

"Oh... is it about the thing?"

"Yes," I huffed as I signaled the server to refill my iced tea.

"What are you even planning to do? I mean... He'll be dead meat for sure, and you... Well, I guess you'll be fine— unless..." she gave me that knowing look.

My mind is clouded with so many thoughts— with the work I left behind... my family... David... the journal...her...

And Sally's chirpy voice isn't helping either.

I sighed.

The more I read that journal, the more confused I get. I spent all night reading it and I am almost halfway through but not once did I get the answer I was looking for. The more I think about it, the more I want to curl up in my bed and read it.

Why, Althea?

I need my answers.

I need my closure.

"Do you think you could still escape this fake engagement thing you have? Which is really a stupid plan if you ask me... If only Wila took the morning after pill then you won't be having this problem," she added nonchalantly as if it was that easy.

Morning after...

Morning after...

Morning after...

Is that why?


November 13, 2009

Jade's POV

I opened my eyes at around 5AM and couldn't go back to sleep. Althea is curled up in my arms, passed out and oblivious to the world. I still can't believe that this beautiful creature is finally here in my arms.

I envy her as I watch her chest breathe in and out so evenly, with a peaceful and contented smile plastered on her pretty lips as she sleeps.

How could she fall asleep so soundly after that heated make out session we had? Or after what I confessed to her?

Oh shit. I really did confess my feelings.

What happens next?

I felt both happy and scared at the same time.

Scared— Althea's right. I'm always scared. But how could I not be? Everything's at stake here, my family, my dreams, her safety...

But what scares me more is that I'm losing control of myself the more time I spend with her... the more I acknowledge my feelings...

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