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11. Impromptu Solo Dance Parties Are Good For Your Health

He was lying in bed thinking about his life, how the past ten years played out like a game of monopoly. how his best friend became the person he fell in love with, how she didn't feel like she deserved her life on this planet, how she was no longer next to him, how he suffered almost a whole year of clinical depression before he saw a doctor and got help for his current girlfriend's sake since she was worried about him.

he thought about how everyone was just pawns in god's little game, he wondered if he got bored of bowling since he never hears thunder anymore.

he gazed around at his bland, periwinkle walls. polaroids and important things pinned up on a gigantic bulletin board on the wall diagonal from where his dresser was. there were fairy lights hung around his headboard and his closet door was wide open with clothes oozing out from it.

under the pile of clothing, he eyed the amplifier for his guitar along with a huge bluetooth speaker. he stretched his arm toward the closet and fished out his speaker, connecting his phone to the b66 bluetooth.

he went into his playlist on itunes music, then blared more upbeat songs from ed sheeran like don't and you need me, i don't need you. even though he barely knew any of the lyrics to some of the faster songs, especially in eminem's albums, he didn't care.

it was two in the morning, but no one was home. his sister and parents were in tallahassee florida for aaliyah's gymnastic match since her team made it past state finals. waking someone up was the least of his worries, so he cranked up his music even more.

he shouted along to the songs, messing up on some lyrics he knew, but he was so energetic that his words got lost in his mouth. he didn't know what caused his rambunctiousness, but he didn't mind. he needed some excitement in his life even if it was turning up music a little too loudly.

it started with foot tapping and humming, but stepped up to singing and waving his arms around, then he began belting the lyrics out to every single song which was a cause of the horrible dancing in the mirror.

he grabbed his brush from where it laid on the dresser and he screamed into it, channeling his inner teenager that use to do that while getting ready in the morning for middle school.

he enjoyed being small again even if he wasn't thirteen, he was happy to be able to act like it without any judgments invading his mind. he wished the world could let people be who they wanted to be, but they, then, wouldn't live up to society's standards and he sadly knew that wouldn't ever be changing anytime soon.

he tried not to let depressing thoughts enter his mind, but his late girlfriend was practically killed by the looming perfect image of society and he knew that she didn't want him ending up the same way, so she gave him the list and damn was she correct.

solo dance parties are so good for your health, especially when you forget everything you've wanted to for the past year.

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