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Author here! I want to apologize first hand to anyone who reads this story, I was 15/16 when I wrote this, so the writing is bad, the plot line is weird and just... bad. I apologize for any cringiness, it's been 5-6 years since I wrote this story and I personally don't have the energy or time to go through and edit anything not factual or anything like that. Regardless, I hope you enjoy the story, if not the story, at least enjoy the dumpster fire.

Amanda's POV


I began college two years ago. Life has gotten a lot better since I've began going here. I've made friends. I even have a boyfriend.

I haven't seen my dad since I left for college. He invited me to his wedding, though. Yep! You heard me right! I said wedding.

Him and Gwen finally decided to tie the knot. They got engaged late last year.

As for Ryan... My dad invited him back into the band. Not a single fan knew that he left the band.

Anyway... I'm doing really well here. I'm not as hateful as I used to be and I'm a lot more mature.

I don't party very much, either. When I do, I don't drink or do anything of the sort.

Sandy dropped out of college last year. She got pregnant and went back home.

So, I share a room with a girl named Elizabeth. She's a bitch, but, we stay out of each other's way and don't talk unless we really have to.

I should probably tell you guys about my boyfriend. His name is Zeke. He's aiming for a career in Pediatric care.

He's a year older than me, which makes him twenty-three years old. He's around my dad's height. He has blonde hair that goes just a little bit under his eye and he has pretty green eyes.

Chris does not yet know about Zeke. I'll probably end up telling him about Zeke when I go up to Pennsylvania.

Zeke and I have been dating for about a year, now.

We met at a party. I went outside because I was overwhelmed and he was smoking a cigarette. Yeah, I know, he's going into the medical profession doing something very unhealthy. It's his own grave. Let him dig it.

Anyway... We were both outside. His cigarette went out, and he couldn't get his lighter to light, so he asked me if I had a light. I kindly told him no and that I didn't smoke.

He shrugged and said whatever. Then he asked me what my name was and we hung out for the rest of the night. Then like three months later, we started dating.

So yeah, this has been my life since I started college...


Hiya guys! Here's the sequel! I started a sequel and ended the last story because I didn't want the whole cycle between her and Ryan to become repetitive. I hope you guys like it so far! I'm sorry that this chapter is really short, I'll try to make them longer as I go on with this story!


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