Another night

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Peeking through the door, scared and confused,

Her face is so sad , her cheek is all bruised.

Watching a tear slowly roll down her face,

Wishing her Mommy would take her away from this place.

Fear jumps in her chest, like sudden thunder in the night.

He's coming back down the hall, she scurries out of site.

Alone in the dark hearing her mothers helpless moans.

Sounds of his fists on her body as she groans.

Runs to the room, jumps inbetween,

Pleading with her father, "Stop being so mean!"

His hand raises once more, mother and daughter both cower.

Stops in mid swing, giving the mother a glower.

Slowly turns and walks away ,anger becoming shame.

Looks into his daughters' eyes, instantly he's tame.

Dad walks out of sight humbly shaking his head.

Mom tucks me in safely, I'm back in my bed.

Whispers softly in my ear, "I'm sorry and Thank you."

I close my eyes gently, one more night I push through.

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