My Salvation

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I woke up this Sunday, it was just like any other day.

Decided I would go to church this week, searching to find my way.

This was not something I did that often. But, afterwards I felt good.

Church was just a place I would hide, when I was feeling misunderstood.

Wanting to go unnoticed, I took a seat in the back row.

Not remotely expecting the feeling, that I was about to undergo.

The pastor's words were surprising. It felt as if he were speaking to me.

The sinful tears trickling down my face, I hoped nobody would see.

I didn't know what was happening. Who I've become became vivid and clear.

Ashamed of the person I was, never again could I look in a mirror.

All the people in my past I have hurt, my shame consumes every piece of my soul.

Then in the same moment I felt it, God began to take over control.

Before I just didn't notice, I was living my life but was blind.

God just gave me the gift of sight, so my Salvation is what I could find!

He covered me with grace in that moment, left a peace within my heart.

Radiates a light from within my soul, that with me will never depart.

I looked to my right and I notice, a lady with her soft hand in mine.

No words were spoken. She just smiled, a smile that was pure and divine.

God, her and I shared that moment, a moment that was intentionally paved.

For when I walked into church that day, God knew I was going to be saved.

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