What remains

226 9 6
  • Dedicated to To him

Two hearts .... One soul, yet nothing in common it seems left in this life.

The lonely existence settles on silence, between the lost passion of this husband and wife.

The paralyzed passion, frozen inside a broken shell.

Oh how it desires to learn how to once again flow.

Loves become a stagnant air.

Begging and Pleading for the wind to just blow.

What remains after a storm that broke the person I used to be?

The light that I used to shine from within ... I can no longer see.

Something so strong that I trusted more than a shadow on a bright day.

To be gone in a moment .... my thoughts are in complete disarray.

No need to cast blame on one nor the other,  the devastation that its over is enough.

The soft passion that once flowed through their hearts became frozen, and the road they now travel is rough.  

God won't give me more than I can handle?

I truly hope that he can see.

Is this a tragedy that will make me grow stronger? 

Or will it end up being the death of me.

I no longer know who I am anymore.  I'm in search of happiness with everything that I do.

I will never feel it within myself again, and this I believe to be true. 

The blanket of love that has covered my heart for all those happy years,

Is gone and lost and brings to my eyes ... nothing but lonely tears.

Clinging to little pieces of blankets that are leaving scares on this once flawless heart.

Hunting for any kind of shelter, in efforts to make all the pain and sadness depart.

Searching desperately for that feeling of happiness, until every bit of me is at an exhaust. 

Longing to be covered in that blanket.  That somehow got left behind and lost.

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