I tried to shake the feeling of, by getting out of bed to get ready, and make breakfast. But, it won't leave. I felt like I was on the bridge of crying. That was until, I felt muscular arms wrap around my waist as I was cooking.

"Don't cry, tears don't look good on you." I felt my self calm down. I leaned back into Natsu's chest, smelling his scent. "Thank you" I said as I closed my eyes enjoying the moment. 'No problem." He said as he rested his chin, on my head.

After a few minutes, he let go so I could finish making the eggs, and pancakes. Once I was finished, we sat down and ate. It was silent, but it wasn't awkward. It was a good silence. After we ate, Natsu cleaned up, while I got dressed.

Then we headed towards the guild. But on the way there I could tell that there was something, Natsu was telling me. Was it, about what happened, yesterday, with that girl? i was so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice, that'd we'd made it to the guild.

Natsu headed over to Gray, and like usual, they started to fight. While me on the other hand, went to go talk to the girls again. But, then stopped in my tracks. There she was, smiling looking around. The girl from yesterday. She soon spotted me, and mouthed something but I couldn't quite catch it, and then she disappeared.

I shook my head, telling myself, that I was only imagining things.

"So Levy-chan, how's it going with you know who?" Lisanna said as she pointed to gajeel, smirking. Levy turned red as a tomato. "W-what do you?" She stuttered. We all smirked, She turned even more red, putting Erza's hair to shame.

We kept on teasing Levy, and then we went to Juvia, teased her too. I love my friends so much.

We were having a fun time, until Natsu was thrown into me, causing me to fall to the floor, onmy chest, which hurt like hell!!!! "Nastu!! Get off me you lazy dosh-bag!!!" He was heavy!!!!

"You asked for it, ICE PRINCESS!!!! Fire Dragon Iron Punch!!!" He said as he finally got off me, finally!!! "Nastu!!!!!" I yelled. I was pissed.

Natsu and Gray stopped what they were doing, and looked in my direction. I had an angry ora, around me. I took of my neck lace, and handed it to Wendy.

"You're Both Dead!!!!!" I yelled as my left hand, had a white glow, and my left had a black glow, "Light Shadow Dragon Raid Punch!!!!!" I yelled as I beat them to a pulp!!! A second later, they were smashed into the wall, twitching.

I put my necklace back on, and walked back over to the girls, satisfied with my punishment.

'Man, Lucy, I know now not get you mad," Lisanna joked. We all laughed as Natsu and Gray fell from the wall, like paper.

'Luce!! Why'd ya do that!!" Natsu yelled across the room, I ignored him, he needs to learn not to piss me off. "Luce!!!" He yelled again, but I still didn't respond. The girls were snickering, while Natsu, kept trying to get to talk.

"Lu-" I cut him off by kissing him, on the lips. We heard "Oooooohhh" From everyone in the guild. 'Nalu is official!!!" Lisanna yelled. I pulled away from the kiss to see, him red and having a rose bleed.

I started laughing my head off. That was just priceless!!! "Nice one Lucy!!" Levy yelled, laughing too. Nastu had fainted onto the ground, still nose bleeding. "Hahahahah!!!!!" I yelled as I rolled around the floor.

The rest of the day was Natsu fighting Gray, and the girls talking about leaving tomorrow, wanting to train. I soon felt sleep wanting to take me in, so I said good bye to every one and headed home. I was to tired I felt myself falling a sleep just walking.

I finally made it home. I tried to turn on the lights, but they wouldn't turn on. I tried again, but nothing worked. I was beginning to panic. 'Hello, Ms. Lucy." I looked around to see a man in front o f the window.

I reached for my necklace ready to fight until, I was pushed up against the wall, faster than ever. "Do you not remember me?" As I look more at the person in front of me. It's the last person I want to see. He had, dark purple hair, with thick dark green eyes. "Ren!! What do you want!! Let me go!!" I yelled.\

i struggled to get out of his grip, "Well, I heard that you lost your child, so I want to give you a knew one. Except this one will be mine!!!" My child? I had a child!! Since when!! "Ren I don't know what you're talking about!! Let me go!!!" I squirmed, trying to free myself from his grip.

"Oh, Lucy you do know what i'm talking about. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Now pucker up, it's going to be rough night!!" He said as she put both of my wrists in his left hand, and held them above my head. He then ripped of my shirt, to revile my pink lacy bra.

"Stop it!!!" he slapped me hard, "Quite, we wouldn't want a certain, dragon slayer to here you. " My eyes widened, he formed a wicked smirk.

'NATSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!! SOMEO-" I was cut off my him choking me. I put my hand on his, trying to pry his hand off, I had to get my necklace off!!!

"I told you to shut up Lucy... I told you!! Know you're going to pay!!!" His grip tightened. Natsu.....get natsu.......


And then I felt my vision go blurry.

Natsu's POV

"AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' The whole guild froze. We heard a scream, we waited for another, as we waited, and waited I began to worry. "SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!" We heard another.

"Lucy!!!!' I yelled as I ran out the doors, I smelled the air, and headed to her apartment!!! Lucy, don't worry I'm coming!!!!" Once I got her apartment, I jumped on the window seal, to find her pressed against, and wall, with a man choking her.

"I told you to shut up Lucy... I told you!! Know you're going to pay!!!" He yelled as I saw his grip, tightened.

"Lucy!!!!" I yelled as I punched him right in the face. He fell to the ground. "Why you!!!!" He yelled as he charged at me. He punch me right in the jaw, sending me into the table. "You'll pay for hurting Lucy!!!!!!" I yelled as raptly punched him in the face.

He then disappeared out of thin air. I looked around, but he never came back. I ran over to Lucy, to find her breathing. "Lucy, talk to me. Please wake up." I said as I held her in my arms. 'Natsu...." She said, as she raised her hand up to my cheek.

I held her hand, "I'm right here, I'm right here" I said as I felt tears stream down my face. "Thank you Natsu." She said as she snuggled closer into my chest. I held her tight, not wanting to let her go.

Once she fell asleep I carried her back to my place. I didn't want that guy coming back, and getting her. Once we got there I laid her down carefully on my bed. I then pulled the covers over her. I gave her a kiss on the forehead, and just when I was about to leave, she grabbed my hand.

I looked behind me to see her eyes filled with tears, "Natsu, were's Nori?"

Book Two: Beneath the SurfaceWhere stories live. Discover now