Chapter 1

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Hello everybody~! Vickironica here. This was literally another random idea I got. I get a lot of them actually but only write like 10 of them. I really have nothing to say. Oh wait, I do. I really hope you know the human names of all the countries. Like 2p! America = Allen or Matthew = Canada or something. If you do not, please let me know somewhere so I know for future that I should write down who is who. I had that problem once on a fanfic. They added so many characters that weren't part of the show that I didn't know who was who.

So, enjoy~!


"Yo dudes! The hero has arrived!" America burst in through the door, oblivious to the fact that he was late.

"You are late again, America." Germany was displeased.

"No matter! I stayed up all night thinking of my amazing plan!" America didn't seen too tired though.

Canada tried to ask, "What's the plan?" but he was too quiet, so England asked it instead.

"Why don't we all go to an amusement park next Saturday! You know, like in a week from today?" America started laughing like he usually did.

Italy thought that was a great idea. "Germany, can we go? It sounds like a lot of fun! And afterwards we can go eat pasta! Germany?"

"Fine. Fine. Ve can go, I guess." Germany sighed in defeat. This meeting was going to be a complete waste.

"I can go, if you want." Japan was actually quite interested to go.

America did a little victory dance and yelled, "Alright! Who else?!"

"I guess I can go. I'm not busy that day." England decided he could use a little fresh air.

"Oh hon hon. If Angleterre is going, the I too, shall go." France said, blowing a kiss to England.

England ignored the comment and kiss and Canada though he could say something quickly, while the room was without America's loud voice. "I'll go too!" he whispered as loud and as quickly as he could.

"Yes! 3 more! . . . 3? Sorry, I meant 2. Don't know where I thought 3." America didn't hear Canada, but felt a slight breeze whispering something.

Canada just sighed. He was used to this by now.

"I'll go too, da?" Russia was probably interested in the horror rides.

"China? What about you, dude?" America was determined to get as many people as possible.

"Why would I want to go?" China was looking forward to his day off.

"I heard that there was an "All You Can Eat Buffet" for free on that day. And something about a contest for who can eat the most as well."

China loved food. "Really?! Count me in then."

After some more talking and stuff, America got out a sheet of paper and a pen. "Anyone who's coming, sign your name on here! We'll meet at my house next Saturday at 9:00."

A lot of countries signed their names, including Canada. Even if he couldn't be heard or seen, at least they can read his name. Though he doubted that anybody would remember who he is. And the meeting was called to and end.

. . . . .

After the meeting, America went back home and read through the list of names.














And . . . Canada?

America knew Canada was his brother, but he hadn't seen Canada at the meeting. America thought that Canada must have hidden in a corner or something. (I can assure you as the author, Canada was in plain sight, not in a corner.) Oh well, he would be sure to find Canada when they all meet up at his house.

. . . . .

Canada had a while before he had to go home for the night or anything. So he decided to go back home, pick up Kumajiro, then go to a library for a while. He didn't really have a particular book in mind, so he wandered around and looked at the millions of books.

As he was walking down another aisle of books, something caught his eye. "Huh? What was that?"

Kumajiro, Canada's pet bear asked, "What was what?"

"That book . . ." Canada pointed to a certain book on the shelf. "It's glowing and shaking!" He walked over to get a better look. Indeed, the book had a faint glow and was vibrating.

Out of curiosity, Canada grabbed the book and sat down in a comfy chair. He noticed the glow was gone and it was still. Kumajiro climbed into the Canadian's lap and Canada read the title.

"A Special Wish. Sounds interesting enough." Canada quietly said to his bear.


"I'm Canada."

"No. Who wrote the book?"

Canada looked all over the book. "There isn't a name on here."

"Oh." Kumajiro motioned for him to start reading.

The book was actually quite small. It only looked like it had about 20 pages. And most of it was pictures and words in another language. It was like that till the last page.

Canada stared at it. Kuma was busy looking at a wall or something else. It only had 2 sentences, but . . .

Think of what you want most in life.

Make a wish.

Canada didn't really believe in this kind of thing, but it's still fun to do. And the book had this 'magical aura' about it. He thought of his wish quite easily.

He thought, "I wish I could make a friend who would always notice me and could help me get noticed by others."

After that, Canada got up and put the book back. They walked home, ready for pancakes and maple syrup. Canada couldn't wait till tomorrow. It was hockey night tomorrow, and Canada was ready.

They entered their house to find a big surprise. Canada asked a question he never thought he'd say himself. "Who are you?"

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