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an imagine where sam and dean just got in a fight with a huge monster porcupine and now reader and cas are getting the spines out of the boys?

"Guys!" I shouted as the guys chased after a porcupine with an egg basket.
"Shut up (y/n) let us catch the hedge hog" Dean shushed me.
"You two never listen to me!" I hissed
"Shhhh" Sam held his finger to his lips
"It's not a hedge hog" i stated
"Then what is it?" Sam stood up straight just as Dean picked the porcupine into his arms.
"Porcupine." I stated just before the porcupine shot out quills. I ran over to the guys after the porcupine was dropped into the basket. "Are you guys okay" i tried not to laugh
"Help. Us" Dean hissed through his teeth.
"Say please" i smirked
"Please" Sam pleaded
"Now Dean" i smiled
"Please help us" he sighed
"Alright. Cas, you take Sam, i'll take Dean" i smirked before i lifted my hand and pulled a quill out of Dean's neck. He groaned loudly.
"Don't be a bitch" he growled
"Too late" i stuck my tongue out at him and pulled out another quill. I heard Sam laugh from behind me.
"I'm enjoying this" Sam laughed before i heard him groan
"This is turning out to be a really great day" I heard Cas.
"I agree" smirked and continued to rip out the quills.
"How many more?" Dean asked through clenched teeth.
"About four" i said then ripped one out
"three" Dean sighed
"I'm already done" i looked over my shoulder and saw that Sam was clear of porcupine quills, but had small dots from the quills on his face.
"Go soak two cloths in ice water, then put one on your face and bring the other to me for Dean" i instructed. Sam nodded then left for the kitchen. "Two" i stated and pulled another quill out.
"Can i take the last one out?" Cas stood beside Dean and i.
"Okay..." I stepped back and watched as Cas ripped the quill out of Dean cheek. Dean doubled over in pain and Cas stood straight and smiled.
"That was fun" he smiled
"So much fun" Dean groaned as he held his face.
"Thats for leading a porcupine into the bunker." Cas stated and walked away.
"You lead it in here." I placed my hands on my hips as Dean stood up straight
"It looked harmless" Dean shrugged.
"How does an animal with sharp sticks on its back 'look harmless'?" I questioned
"It could hunt. I don't know. It was last night. I was drunk. Don't question me." Dean shook his head as Sam came back down the hall with two wet rags. He threw one to Dean then held the other to his cheek.
"Did you honestly think that a porcupine was a hedge hog Stanford?" I turned towards Sam.
"I studied law, not animals." Sam rolled his eyes
"You know the difference between a vampire and a werewolf but not the obvious difference between a hedge hog and a porcupine" i chuckled slightly
"Never gunna let us forget this?" Sam chuckled
"Not once" i smirked. "Just face it guys, this is what happens when you tell me to shut up, and when you shush me." I crossed my hands over my chest and smiled.
"Oh please" Dean rolled his eyes.
"I will slap your throbbing face." I threatened.
"I'm just going to go find Cas now." Dean began to jog away from Sam and i.
"Wimp" i chuckled
"Were you actually going to slap him?" Sam questioned
"Of course. It'd be fun" i laughed.

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