Sleepy Teens

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"Toooothle.. gu ayayyyy....."

Said teen ignored his dragon's attempts to get up. He rolled onto his stomach, pulling his blanket over his head. Even though he had gone to bed early, it felt as if he had only a few hours of sleep. The sky was deep blue and purple, indicating dawn had almost arrived.

Toothless huffed a breath of air and bounded out of his rider's loft. His warm breath lingered in the frozen air. Hiccup unconsciously sighed, and was pulled back into his world of warmth, enclosing himself from the frozen desert called Berk.

Silently, not wanting to wake the chief, Toothless went downstairs into the kitchen, and as he did so, he could hear his rider mumble a sigh of relief. With this thought, he merely snorted and continued searching baskets. He grabbed a frozen cod and promptly ate it. He made his way towards the stairs once again.

The sound of retching brought back Hiccup's consciousness. He sat up, alert, but was still drowsy.

"N-No Toothless! I AM AWAKE! NO, NO, NO, No, no, no!

The night fury swallowed the fish, flashing Hiccup a smile, as the boy got up and shivered. The sky was now growing lighter, but it still indicated that it was only 4:30. Putting on his fur vest, he carefully walked out of his home, and yelping in terror as he sunk down to his ankles.

" you think... umm... maybe..."

Toothless sheathed his teeth and grabbed Hiccup from his collar and tossed the weightless boy onto his back. They immediately grasped the air, as the headed towards the eastern forest. He straightened up, allowing his body to warm up from the now peeking sun. The snow must have been diamonds, as it reflected the sun, it reflected the houses in the village.

A growl came from Toothless. He refocused his attention to the village down below not even realizing the village was gone. Mildew's house brought back the cold into his spine, and he shivered, not really sure for the reason.

Half a mile away, he focused on the voices shaking the comfortable silence that had drifted between dragon and rider. If he hadn't heard those voices, he was literally ready to pass out on Toothless' back, curling up, sleeping, just enjoying the air rushing through him as they landed... landed?

He hadn't realized it, but his eyes were closed, and breathing slow and peaceful. He opened his eyes, glad no one there had noticed his sleeping state. Snotlout was lying on Hookfang's back, Astrid leaning against Stormfly, Fishlegs collapsed on Meatlug's back, and Ruffnut and Tuffnut were dangling from Barf and Belches' mouth. As Hiccup slipped of off Toothless, all of the dragons shifted, waking their riders.

"Now that everyone's awake..."

All of the teens' dragons smirked or huffed warm air, only getting glares from their riders.

"Me and Fishlegs will start chopping the trees on the right of the river bank. Astrid and the Twins, you guys have the left, and Snotlout, you'll bring the wood back over to this clearing, where we'll come pick it up after lunch."

The teens too unfocused to argue, nodded and yawned, slipping out their dragon's back. The flew off landing by the river that was barley 10 minutes away.

SORRY for the short chapter!

This is isn't as exciting, but heir will be a few laughs in the next chapter, and Mildew scheming! So I hope that makes it up! Sorry!


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