Ch.13: Arthur's Party

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"She promised she would keep my secret... and I believe her. You know Euphie... she's not one to do something to make others unhappy.", Adelice said, a small smile forming on her lips. Lelouch nodded slowly and turned his gave to outside his window. "It sounds like she hasn't changed much.", he whispered, his eyes fixed outside of his window. Adelice looked at him, despite the fact that he had slept all day, his eyes looked very tired.

Adelice slowly nodded. "I was so scared...", she whispered, making Lelouch turn his gaze back to Adelice. "I can imagine being-", he started to answer but was then cut off by Adelice. "No no... not for my own life. That man... Zero. He was there. He pointed a gun at Euphemia... I thought he was going to shoot her.", she whispered, clenching her fists.

Lelouch frowned but stayed silent not wanting to give much of an opinion on his secret. "Though... it seems like he was just testing us because he lowered his gun right away when I jumped in front of Euphemia. It was as if he was waiting to see what we would do for each other... I suppose to see how tightly bonded we were." Lelouch frowned more and crossed his arms over his chest. "Adelice, you put yourself in too many dangerous situations.", he scolded, quietly. Adelice didn't answer as silence fell over them again until Adelice broke it. "I don't know how to feel about him... I mean he killed Clovis... yet he helped Euphemia and I.", Adelice's eyes fixed on Lelouch who was still silent.

"I know we would have both died if not for him... so should I be thankful?... Does that make things even for Clovis' death? How am I supposed to hate a man that saved my life and yet took another from me?", Adelice asked, more to herself. Lelouch frowned a little. He didn't know how to answer what Adelice had just said. It wasn't the best opinion that he wanted to hear but it wasn't the worst. He would have to improve things... but that was to debate over for another day.

He slowly stood and placed a hand on her head. "You need rest, it's been a long day.", he said, turning her head up to look at him. Adelice slowly nodded and stood slowly, walking over to his bed. She didn't even have the energy to change out of her clothes as she fell on the bed and quickly fell asleep.

----------------- -------------------------

Adelice was quickly ushered into the student council room. "Come in! Come in! You're just in time to help set up for the party!", Milly exclaimed, a giggle in her voice. "Oh joy~", Adelice answered back, looking out of the corner of her eyes at Milly. What had this girl planned for today? She could only imagine based off of all the other things Milly's brain had come up with.

As they stepped into the room she saw Rivalz who had his face painted like a cat. He had yellow ears on his head and an outfit that looked something along the lines of felt. Adelice couldn't hold back a laugh as she looked at him. "Rivalz, what on earth is painted on your face?", she said, trying to hide her laugh.

"We're having a party for the new arrival!", Milly said happily as she quickly walked over to an open box. She shuffled around with some clothing. Adelice got a sinking feeling. She hoped that she wouldn't have to wear one of these ridiculous costumes. Her eyes traveled to Nina who seemed to be disconnected from the group as usual.. nonetheless she had a tiger hat on for the "event".

Milly suddenly stood up holding a green two piece. There was much less material then regular clothes... something Adelice was not comfortable with. "No.", Adelice said, before Milly could even ask her. "Oh come on Adelice, you would look adorable. I'm sure Lelouch wouldn't mind seeing you in this~", Milly said, smirking a little. "No.", Adelice said again, shaking her head.

"It's not so bad, really... I got used to it after awhile.", Shirley said as she entered the room. Adelice was a little taken aback by Shirley's sudden act of friendship.. perhaps Milly's "Catch the Cat and Get a Kiss" event had someone how made Shirley trust her a little. Adelice let out a deep sigh and rolled her eyes. "Just for a little while.", she whispered, biting her bottom lip a little.

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