Arranged Marriage-Chapter 9

Start from the beginning

Niall's POV

I didn't tell Emily that she was going to be interviewed ,too.I look at her talking to the girls and the manager ,she looked confused but I heard them talking "nope,it's the boys and their girlfriends" the manager said ."oh okay"she replied the interviewer started to talk "and now we have our special guests One direction and their leading ladies" which was our Que to go on stage and the crowd was going crazy .We sat down in this order .






We all said hello then she started to ask questions

[Li-Liam,D-danielle,Lo-Louis,El-Eleanor,N-niall,Em-Emily,Z-Zayn,P-Perrie,H-Harry, I-interviewer & the crowd

I-so,I've heard that one of the couples here are engaged,which one is it ?


I-who's nemily.?

H-Emily and Niall

I-well congrats you guys

Em&N-thank you

I-oh and I also saw your tweet this morning Niall,here everyone *picture of Niall's tweet of Emily holding her stomach*


P-and also I saw them flirting on twitter too

I- *shows a picture of niall and emily's tweets from lunch*

I-Danielle I've heard you've been studying ballet,if I'm not mistaken' ?

D-yes ma'am

I-so Perrie how's your band doing

P-oh we're doing just fine

I-what is something your fans don't know about you?

Z-they know everything,from exact date of birth and the time of labor ,they know everything they go crazy if you just blink your eyes they'll just faint

I- who's flat do you guys go the most when you hang out?

El-we hang out at Emily and Niall's flat,because they always cook food and have lots of movies to watch

**after the interview**

Emily's POV

Niall and I are back at our flat just picking out names for our baby we have to write 3 names for boys and 3 names for girls I wrote down

Girl names




Boy names




But I wasn't that sure about the names but it won't be officially it "here let's trade"Niall said giving me his and I gave him mine.Niall wrote down.

Girl names




Boy names




He had pretty nice names but I'm not sure that any of these would officially be the baby's name,plus like he said earlier there's still a lot more time to think of names. These are just like drafts ."these are really nice names but I think they won't be the official names"I told Niall. "I was just thinking the same"Niall replied "Niall?" I asked "yes,princess"he replied "could I tell you a secret?"I asked "I never thought that someone like you would like someone like me"I said "well,anyone who doesn't like you,is blind, your beautiful,I love you so much that I'll go to the top of big ben and scream your name,if I have to prove how much you mean to me" Niall said .We kissed each other. "so I've heard you can sing very good?"Niall said smiling "well I can sing,but not that good"I said.Niall ran to our room and came back to the living room holding his guitar. "okay,let's do a duet"Niall said "that would be awesome"I said "let's have a twit-cam,then do a cover there"Niall said "of course,your fans are always the sweetest little things in the world"I replied smiling .He turned on the twit-cam .It was only 4 minutes then 24,000 people were watching .I was washing my face in the restroom .I saw Niall sitting on the bed with his laptop. "come here" Niall said patting his lap which meant he wanted me to sit on his lap "hi there people on twitter watching my twitcam" Niall said and lots of people were commenting i saw one that said 'she's sitting on his lap,omg' which made me laugh "hi there" I said. "who wants to see me put make up on Emily?" Niall asked "I don't wear makeup but I have a make up pallet that I use only for halloween"I said .He got the make-up. There was so much comments trending #Nialldoingemilysmakeup .

"okay so welcome to an episode of Niall the make up artist,and I'm Niall the amazing make up artist"Niall said. "okay so first I'm going to use this foundation .I know what these things are because when I get bored Lou teaches me about make up,so first you put the foundation all over the face,next you put eyeshadow,I'll pick the color blue because her favorite color is blue."Niall said putting it on my face "next you put mascara on Emily's beautiful long lashes" Niall said applying it to my lashes. "I have to be careful so I don't poke her eyes " he said he accidentally poked my eye. "ouch"I said. "oh I'm sorry princess"he apologized then kissed my cheek. "now you don't need blush,because your too busy blushing" niall said. "and final touch is lipstick,I'm going to make them red"he said. "but before I put on your lipstick I'll do this"he said, then kissed me real quick,Then applied lipstick to my lips "taaa daaa!"he exclaimed. "you look stunning" Niall said "oh thank you Niall,i'd kiss you but you might get lipstick on your lips"I said "okay so emily and I am going to sing you guys a song we're going to sing luck by jason Mraz."Niall said then started to strum

**Beginning to sing**

N-"do you hear me I'm talking to you across te water across the deep blue ocean under the open sky oh my,baby I'm trying"

E-"boy I hear you in my dream I feel you whisper across the sea feel you with me in my heart you make it easier when life gets hard"

Both-"lucky I'm in love with my best friend lucky to have been where I have been lucky to be coming home someday ohhh ohhohhohhh

**end of singing**

Niall's POV

Emily sang great "okay if you guys we're wondering,yes Emily is pregnant"I said "Emily come show them your stomach"I said "okay" she replied she picked up here shirt but just the amount where you can see her much people started to comment I saw comments like

'omg she's pregnant'

'Niall be my baby daddy'

'I can't wait I bet their baby is going to be adorable'

"okay guys that's all the time we have love you guys bye"I said and Emily blew a kiss to the camera "Emily you sing like an angel"I said then kissed her forehead."so what do you want to eat"she asked me "anything"I replied. "how bout I order some lasagna "she suggested. "that would be great"I said. She got her phone and ordered lasagna "how long do we have to wait until we pick it up? "I asked her. "the man said to wait 20minutes"she replied. We just watched tv. We were watching ."I think we should go and pick it up already ,the restaurant is pretty far .It'll take like 15minutes"she said. "okay let's go"i said .We are still wearing our clothes from the interview. I held her hand until we made it to my car .I opened the door for her than ran to my side of the car .I started the engine and drove .

**at the restaurant**

Emily's POV

We finally parked at the restaurant just to pick up the lasagna "I got down by myself"I said. I got down and went to the counter "hi I'm Emily Winterfield and I'm here to pick up my lasagna"I said. "here you go have a nice day"the man said. "thank you,you too"I said then started to walk to the car .I opened the back of the car so I can put the food there and walked to the passengers seat "okay we can go now?"Niall asked "yes,we can"I said "that smells so good" Niall said.

**back at the flat**

We came home and started to eat .We finished the lasagna that was like a late dinner because it is already 8:45p.m. We went back to our room .We're ready to sleep and Niall's always sleeps as soon as his head touches his pillow,so I kissed his cheek then went to sleep too.


End of chapter 10 I hope you liked the chapter please vote and comment if you have any suggestions on baby names I would really appreciate if you would give me some.okay bye my duckling love you

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