Chapter Five

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"This time I'm ready to run, escape from the city and follow the sun." - Ready to Run, One Direction

Chapter Five - Home Alone

- Nina's POV -  

After that night I had dinner with Nate and his parents, I began to think about a lot of things. From what Scarlett told me, what his mother told me, to Ella and I's phone call, I was thinking about it all. 

I started to think about how when Ella left, everyone was angry with her. However, she was, and is genuinely happy where she is. It was probably the best thing for her, considering how suffocating this lifestyle can be. But, if I left - who would I have to get mad at me? I don't want to move, but just to go on a small vacation. Maybe it could be good for me after all. 

That is why, I have invited Sophia to breakfast with me at a cafe just near 34th Street. The more I think about going away, the better it sounds. Getting my mind off of everything I feel like would help me. I just need a second opinion from someone who I trust. 

I sip on my coffee and I suddenly see Sophia appear, looking bright and casual. I stand up to give her a short hug and she smiles widely. 

"Hi," she says with a grin, "How are you doing?" she asks after she sits down across from me, situating herself. I give her a smug look, shrugging my shoulders. 

"I guess I'm okay," I answer truthfully. I'm still confused and I have now slept in my apartment, alone for more than a week now. I don't know how to deal with it honestly. Another reason I could benefit from visiting Ella - it would be nice to have a family member to talk to. 

She gives me a sincere smile before opening her mouth, "So, what did you want to talk to me about?" she asks with curiosity, pouring herself some coffee into a mug. 

I take in a deep breath before I clear my throat, "Well, you know my cousin Ella?" I start, raising my eyebrows at her. 

"Yeah, the one who moved to where? Amsterdam?" she suggests and I nod, taking another sip of my coffee. "Okay, go one," she signals. 

"So, the other day at the will reading, her mother Scarlett," I begin and Sophia makes a disgusted face. I laugh a little, agreeing with her, "Said something about Nate and I getting married," I pause, my eyes aimlessly staring down at my hands, "And then, Nate's mom said something about it the same day," I add, an unsureness to my tone. 

I glance up and Sophia has a  confused look on her face, "I mean, what's the big deal with that?" she then asks and I feel my stomach drop because that is not what I expected to hear from her. 

"Well, maybe if I was about two or three years older and it wasn't wrong timing, it wouldn't be a big deal," I say with an obvious, kind of annoyed tone. I hate how rich society in New York deems it to be a woman must be married by twenty five to a rich man. Let me make my own damn money and then maybe I'll find a man

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