→ Lustful Junhoe ←

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"Ring ring!!"
Ughhh who the hell was calling this early???

Groaning, I grabbed my phone from the table next to me and answered the call, eyes still shut in weariness.

"Yeoboseyo?"  I muttered sleepily, stifling a yawn.

"Ya how can you still be asleep!!! Go look at Lilac's youtube video."

"Wae? Hanbin ah, you're not making sense."

I grumbled, my mind groggy. What YouTube video was he talking about?

And then it hit me. THE YOUTUBE VIDEO!!! LILAC'S DEBUT MV!!!

In a haste, I kicked my blanket away and ran to my laptop, clicking on the mouse impatiently until the browser sprung up into view. Typing in LILAC's name on YouTube, I sucked in a huge breath, excitement and fear gnawing on me.

When I saw the number of views on our MV, my jaw almost dropped to the floor. In one day, we've achieved 10 million views.
Holy shit, 10 MILLION VIEWS?!?!??! 

"HOLY SHIT, HANBIN. Am I dreaming?? Are you real??"
I gasped, tears of joy springing into my eyes.

"Pabo ya, yes!!! Pabohyemi, LILAC just hit 10 million!!" He laughed.

Hysterical, I ran to shake the others awake, screaming into their ear that our video had just hit 10 million views.

Through the phone, I could hear Hanbin and the other members laughing their ass off as we gave whoops of exhilaration and danced around like mad women.

I'd no doubt never be able to live this down, but for now, I just don't care. All our hard work has finally paid off, and I can't believe we've achieved so much in just one day.  At this rate, we might even win in music broadcasts.

After about 15 minutes of screaming, hugging and crying, I finally put my phone back to my ear and wiped my tears of joy off my face.

"Sorry for the noise guys." I said, laughing in embarrassment.

"It's okay, we enjoyed laughing at you guys. Anyways, pabohyemi, let's have a party together."


For the party, us girl were dressed as sluttily as possible.

Just kidding. It's winter, and we were decked out warmly, yet fashionably.

One by one, we entered the party room and gasped in surprise. The whole room was lit up by florescent lights, with decorations all over ; banners spelling 'LILAC!' , heart-shaped balloons on the ceiling and a table brimming with food. There was even a disco ball spinning in the middle of the room.

The boys were already inside and upon entering, I innediately started searching for Hanbin. I found him quickly, for he was already heading towards me. His face was lit up in excitement, though he was trying not to show it too much.

Before he reached me however, someone else did.

"Yo. Congratulations on your debut. The views on the video is still shooting up, too." Junhoe said, grinning.

He was wearing a leather jacket, and excuse me, but he looked freaking hot in it. His hair was back to blonde- god his resemblance to Jack Frost is uncanny, and the smirk on his face.....

I smiled back at him and thanked him politely. Just as he was about to reach for my hand and invite me to dance with him, Hanbin jutted in and stood between us.

Chasing Of DREAMS BOOK 1 [Hanbin FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now