✿ Junhoe...? ✿

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"Do you really like Hanbin?"

"What?! Of course I do, why would you doubt that."

Surprised, I backed away from him. His face was wayyyy too close for comfort.

"I don't doubt you. I'm just... just jealous."



He stared at you intently, his expression grim.

"Ever since Hanbin showed me a picture of you, I've been interested in you. And today I saw your talent, and heard your voice. It made me fall even deeper. And i don't want to see you with Hanbin."

You were stunned. What did Junhoe just say?? He.. he liked you??? You couldn't believe it. How can Junhoe even like you??

"Aren't you betraying Hanbin like this?" You asked, eyes narrowed.

"Well, I am, but I like you, and I'll fight for you. Hanbin won't let you get in between our friendship."

His words stung. Hanbin won't let you get in between their friendship... did you mean that little to him? Even his members were more important? You should have known, he had spent a way longer time with them.

But that wasn't important right now, Junhoe just confessed to you!!!!

You didn't know how to reject him. I meam, accepting him was just unthinkable. You would NEVER betray Hanbin.

"I'm sorry, Junhoe, but I... I don't feel the same way. I really do like Hanbin."

Just the thought of Hanbin made you feel warm inside. It's only been five minutes since he was gone, and already, you were missing his touch.

Junhoe just continued staring, and you turned away awkwardly, blushing.

"Fine. But I still like you. Otteoke? "

You hesitated, not knowing what to say. You wanted to tell him to move on and find another girl.


Before you could finish, he moved infront of you and grabbed your face in his.

"Is this what Hanbin does before he kisses you? Did his heart beat this fast?"


Pushing him away, you stood up and cleared your throat, nervous despite yourself.

"Junhoe, please don't be like this. We can still be friends."

You said, both a warning and a plea.

Still staring, he nodded slowly.

God, his stare was so unnerving.

Just then, the other boys came in, all chattering loudly and laughing, their hands loadened with food.

What a perfect timing, before things got awkward between you and Junhoe.

Seeing you standing up all tense, Hanbin grabbed your arm softly and asked, "Gwaenchahna? Did Junhoe bully you?"

You glanced at Junhoe swiftly, before shaking your head no. You didn't want Hanbin to worry.

All of you sat down to eat and surprisingly, Junhoe didn't try anything else. In fact, he was actually a really nice guy, and made you laugh with his jokes and sassy remarks.



Finally, today is the day of debut. You and your members have worked hard for days, trained for hours, and even cried due to the overwhelming pressure. But finally, the day has come.

SM has had all the fans hyped up over LILAC's debut, promising we were a group to behold. Hiphop, funky and trendy concept, that was what we were packaged as, and what we do best.

No more cutie-innocent girl group style- well, maybe just a little, but a more rough and sexy image. Oh god, what would my parents think watching me perform sexily.

"1,2,3, RELEASE!!!"

We shouted as our MV got uploaded onto Youtube. Holding hands, we started jumping up and down in excitement. This was it!!! We could let the audience see what we could do now!!

"How many views do you think we can hit?" Lami asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Half a million?" I laughed. It was meant as a joke, but that fear of being so unsuccessful was threatening to chew me up.

"Just because we're from SM doesn't mean we'll be successful, I guess." Koeun smiled at us.

We smiled, and went to bed, thinking of all the things that could happen tomorrow. Our lives have just changed. It felt like my life has just begun.


Thank you for reading~~~ dont forget to vote and nxt update will be soon!!! I love u guys soooo much thank u fkr supporting<33333

Chasing Of DREAMS BOOK 1 [Hanbin FANFIC]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon