Chapter 19: Hell Hath No Fury like A Countess and A Supermodel Scorned

Start from the beginning

I looked down to Natalie as she sat, offered my hand to her and pulled her up off the floor. She too was fuming, both their hair wild and crazed. Claire no longer has a reckless bun, now it looked like Medusa's snake tendrils as did Natalie's.

As upset as I was, I suddenly found that I wanted to laugh at the ridiculous spectacle. I had never seen this side of Claire or Nat before. Claire had never been in a physical confrontation with anyone. Somehow, she was apparently winning against Natalie who I might had was lean but very strong. Natalie was no match for the Countess seemingly. There was a new fierceness in Claire that I could not rationally comprehend.

"Are you both alright?" I asked looking at them both alternately. They both nodded and didn't look away from each other. Eyes glaring with fiery ferocity. Natalie was caressing her throat.

"I don't know what the fuck happened. But you are both grown woman. I don't need to babysit you both and frankly I'm appalled. I can't believe how childish you both are...Shite! I only stepped out for less than fifteen minutes!" I fumed as my anger resurfaced.

Looking at Claire, I could see the embarrassment as she looked into my angry eyes. Her blue eyes darkened from fury, a fury obviously fueled by Natalie.

"Je suis désolé. Il ne se reproduira pas ma chérie. Mais, elle a commencé, me narguer de vos affaires téméraires. Je pourrais la tuer! Je suis juste venu vers le bas pour un peu de vin. Mais il n'y a aucune excuse . Excuse-moi?" Claire ended in French in a shaken tone.

(Translation: I'm sorry. It won't happen again my darling. But, she started it, taunting me about  your reckless affairs. I could kill her! I just came down for some wine. But there is no excuse. Forgive me?)

She clearly didn't want Natalie to understand her. So, I pulled her into me once more and kissed her forehead then locked my eyes with hers. Letting her know I understood, even though I did not approve.

Violence should always be the last resort, my parent taught me that and I believed in it wholeheartedly. Listen, not like Mahatma Gandhi, no passive resistance here, but one can conclude that I'm more of a lover than a fighter. Yes, yet another paradox, as I'm proficient in Kick-Boxing, fencing and have extensive firearms training. Nevertheless, these just allowed me to let off occasional steam and for fortification, if it were ever to be required.

Natalie's eyes were penetrating through me like a surgeon's scalpel, figuratively speaking. Conversely, Claire was my love and I would always, no matter what the circumstances, be on her side. While I consider myself to be an impartial person, Claire was always the exception. Always...fuck whomever cogitates negatively. They can freely classify me as biased and a hopeless romantic most favorably.

As I looked away from Claire's hypnotizing cerulean orbs, I was unpleasantly welcomed by Natalie's gorgeous brown ones yet again. Ones, that squinted at me screaming abhorrence and intolerance. Her long slender hands are defiantly and tightly crossed under her very voluptuous breasts.

Not that I was looking or checking them out, however it was quite, there, just right there. There were her most...mmm...complementary assets, apart from her beauty.

The French Countess's Secrets   (gxg) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now