Eye Of The Tiger - Survivor

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Riley's POV

"Mr. and Mrs. Stoneage?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"I'm Riley Brookes from Brooke's Funeral Home and Mortuary. I'm here in regards of Jessica Stoneage."

"Oh no. No you must be wrong. Where is Jess?"

"I'm so sorry Mr. Stoneage but we've found Miss Stoneage... deceased."


"We've inspected the scene and it appears that she has hung herself."

"You don't have proof!"

"I've had one of my employees take a few pictures, would you like to see?"

"It can't be. No. It can't."

"I'm very sorry for your loss. Please contact me for funeral arrangement if you will."

Jess's POV

"I swear you miss our turn."

"I did not."

"Then why does it seem we keep going around in circles."

"Because you are crazy."

"You and I both know we've past this lake five times already."

"There are a lot of lakes around here Jess."

"Yeah because ever fucking lake has a fisherman right in the middle." I cross my arms and roll my eyes.

After about the third time of going past the lake the man in the old boat waved at us every time we went by. Great. Ronnie is making it seem like we are stalkers. We were somewhere in New Jersey I think. "Ronnie why don't we just stop at that gas station and get directions?"

"I know where I am going."

"No you don't!"

"Yes I do!"

"Yes you do!"

"No I don't!" Ronnie yells before stuttering "I- I mean yes I do."

"Nope. Ronnie pull up to that gas station so we can fill up and get out of this car, my ass hurts." I roll my eyes as he grumbles about being the man and should bend to a woman's will. Whatever Ronnie. When I find the way to Rhode Island you can cry all you want. He pulls up to a pump and we both get out.

"I'll get us some snacks while you pump gas." I grab some money from him and skip inside. It smelled like wet mop and oil. I make my way to the back of the building towards the drinks and get myself a flavored water and Ronnie a pop. I walk through the shelves looking for something to snack on.

Candy shelf.

Battery shelf.

Condoms. Of coarse.

My eyebrows raised up together when I read one of the packages.

Tropical flavored. It even had a little palm tree in the corner.

Who in the hell would buy tropical flavored condoms. I had to resist the urge to laugh my ass off right there and then so I continued on until I found the chip shelf and grabbed a couple bags before paying.

"You will never believe what they had in there. Condoms. Tropical flavored condoms. Who even comes up with that type of stuff?" I laugh as I climb back into the truck, giving Ronnie his chips and drink.

"You're joking right."

"No! That's that sad part." I pop a chip into my mouth as Ronnie pulls out onto the road. "How much longer?"

"About three hours."

"Ugh!" I throw my head back and groan.

"Oh hush. O'le Black can only go so fast." He rubs his hand on the dashboard lovingly. Just then a loud sputtering sound came from the engine. Smoke started rising from under the hood as we slowly came to a stop on the road. Well at least it wasn't a busy road. Trees, trees and more trees.

"Fuck." Ronnie swears.

"Ronnie, I hate you."

"I do too." He shakes his head as he gets out and pops the hood. Smoke immediately flowed out into the sky.

"Look on the bright side. The sun is shining." I giggled as I opened my door and climb up onto the top of the car. I stretched my limbs and laid on my back, staring at the sky. It was still a little chilly but the sun kept me warm. Resting my head on my arms, I crossed my feet and closed my eyes while Ronnie worked on fixing the car.

I, being the sarcastic one that I am, started humming the tune to 'Eye Of The Tiger'.


"Dun. Dun. Dun."

"Dun. Dun. Dun."

"Dun. Dun. Dunnnnn."





"It's the eye of the tiger. It's the thrill of the fight. Rising up to the challenge of our rival. As the Last known survivor stalks his prey in the night and he's watching us all with the eye! Of a tiger." I sing loudly as possible.



"Stop singing."

"I was singing it for you for encouragement." He rolls his eyes at me as he slams the hood down making me fall off the top of the truck and roll down the windshield.

"You couldn't do that again if you tried." He laughs as he helps me down.

I take it upon myself to slap him in the head. I brush off the dirt on my skinny jeans and look at him.

"What's the verdict?"

"Hope you got your walking shoes on because we need a new belt."

"You go ahead. I'll stay here."


"Yep." I pop the 'p'

"We just got to walk back to the gas station. It's only like two miles."

"That's too far." I whine.

"Fine. Don't come crying to me when Big Foot comes walking out of the forest."


"Didn't you hear? I heard the two men at the gas station talking about seeing Big Foot last night. Wiped out all their chickens." Ronnie says seriously.

"Nuh uh. You liar."

"I'm not though. You should of heard them. Didn't you see them load up them guns. They planned on hunting it tonight." My eyes were wide and my throat was dry. Big Foot was not real. Just some folktale but the what Ronnie said them two guys stories it mad it seem real. They did load up some pretty big guns. Ronnie just shrugged and started down the road from where we came from.

He was about twenty meters front the car before I ran up behind him and clutched onto his arm for dear life. He chuckled loudly beside me. "It's not funny!"

"Oh but dear Jess. It is."


*High five* Would you look at that. I got an update out before the weekend. How special of me. I'm sorry but.... I love how Jess sang 'Eye Of The Tiger' to Ronnie as he tried to fix the truck. I cracked up laughing as I imagined the scene. Anyways.

Hopefully the first POV kind of explained how Jess faked her suicide but if you are confused they help Jess look like she hung herself to escape. Get it? Feel free to leave a comment about your confusion and I will try to help you understand.

 Take in some Paramore

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