Chapter 7

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    High school should be the most exciting time in any teenager’s… teenage life. It is a world of firsts where one experiences things left and right, up here and of course, down there. My High School life was not different from any other ordinary high schooler’s – except of course that mine was extraordinary. Unlike others who would whine about the unfairness and uncertainties of life, I got everything I wanted.

    Well, almost anyway.

    Now, I know you’re busy *ahem* so I’ll get on with it.

    I told you earlier that it all started in senior year. Before I get to that, I’ll give you a background on a few things.

    First, just like in middle school where I was the star of the only important sport in the world – basketball – I was also the star of our high school varsity teams. There were four varsity teams, one for each year. I was captain for each of the years I was in. My reputation as an all star athlete preceded me and the High School sports committee had no qualms with Coach Cowell’s suggestion (who by the way also transferred to the High School after the stellar performance of his Middle School varsity teams – attributed solely to my performance in case you didn’t know) of allowing me to hand pick my line up. Of course I already knew who I wanted to be on my team since most were from my Middle School varsity team. I put Zayn in second string. He wasn’t too happy about that. To be honest, I would have placed him in tenth string if there was such a thing.

    Second, we would win every divisional competition in our bracket. I would be the proud captain of each of these winning teams throughout my high school years – well, except the last.

    Third, high school was the advent of sexual discovery. You remember ? Lucy Westfield The only girl I had eyes for? Well as it turned out, my eyes liked to roam the different curves of other unknown territories after I explored hers. No, we didn’t go all the way. I deserved more than someone like her. I wouldn’t say she was my girlfriend either. It was more like mutually understood partnership. Yeah, I got to tap some bases and she got to bask in my glory. Perfectly acceptable arrangement.

    Fourth, Emily Shepard became the bane of my high school existence. Wait! Before you say anything, let me explain. Remember I said that I tapped many bases? I’m not saying I tapped hers. No. In fact, I think that was the problem. By the start of our senior year, I wasn’t even at first base yet. Hell, I wasn’t even on the plate – no kind friendly hugs, or even remotely bashful flirtatious looks. No, all I got were death glares. And well, admit it. You know it. I know it. That woman has a death glare that can petrify Dobermans. I think the hostility in her actions if anything made me even more curious, more attracted. She was a mystery waiting to be solved. A ball of string waiting to be unraveled.

    Fifth, I became senior batch president. Of course the political powers of such parties are quite limited as they are often just a competition on who was more popular or who can promise better things and then make the student body later forget that he actually promised anything. However, this coupled with my reign in the courts of basketball affirmed one thing: that I was the most popular teenager in all of Oakridge High.

    Sixth, a king, err, a popular student cannot be complete without the perfect royal steed. And yes, you guessed it. I’m talking about my 1996 Camaro V6 3800 Series 2. My dad gave it to me as a pre-graduation *slash* birthday gift for me when I turned eighteen. Oh the things I’d like to do in that car…

    Seventh, after that night in The Usual Spot with Harry, neither of us called each other by any special name other than what we were born with. Harry was Harry to me. And I was Niall to him.

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