Chapter Thirtyfour - A Single Pearl

Start from the beginning

Before I knew it, chapter 10 was over too! I wasn't even done with my hot cocoa. I frowned at the book while Dad folded the corner and chuckled at me. "Don't worry, we can finish our cocoa before we go to bed." He said.

I nodded and took a slow sip, wanting to stay up as long as I could with him.

"Anything new happening?" He asked. "How are you and Bale getting along?"

I almost choked on the marshmellow I had just captured. "Y-you know?!"

"Of course I do," He smiled. "Bale asked about you every time we saw the boy. Ever since you got here, he hasn't left this house for more than enough time to sleep."

I blushed; flattered by this information, but mostly because I had just kept it a secret because this was a family time, and I didn't want Dad to think I thought dating was more important. Looks like it didn't matter if I kept it a secret anyway.

"Yeah, we're good." I smiled.

"Good." He winked. "You two are real cute together, always have been. Even when you were kids, he had the biggest crush on you." He chuckled.

"He did?"

"Yeah! You didn't notice? He was always hangin' out with you, and every time you mentioned that boy you used to like, he'd frown. It was the cutest thing. Aw, when you left, he was heartbroken. Thought it was his fault." He shook his head and took a long sip of his cocoa.

Wow, I never knew any of this. I knew Bale loved me, but I always thought we were like brother and sister. Guess not. I giggled happily and took a sip of my cocoa too.

When we finished, I was yawning like crazy, and Dad had to practically shove me up the stairs to make me go to bed. "Good night, Annabelle." He chuckled.

"Night, Daddy." I smiled sleepily and went to my room. Hazel was already knocked out, and was taking up the entire bed. After brushing my teeth, I shoved her to one side of the bed so I had about a foot of mattress to myself; not much. Her wild, brown, curly hair kept flying into my face from the ceiling fan. I put the sheet over her head, so maybe it'd act like a hairnet. I even thought about getting kitchen scissors.

"Jeez oh Pete, Haze..." I huffed when stray hairs kept finding their way to my face.

"Leave my hair alone, cheese monkey..." She grumbled.

...What kind of dreams does she have?!

I rolled my eyes and turned onto my side, thinking about Allie, Noah, and Bale...


I opened the velvet case and slid it over to him, looking at him expectantly. If anyone knew anything about jewelry, it'd be Michael. He used to work in the jewelry store, he saw what men usually got women.

"Well, I'm flattered, but pearls aren't really my thing." He smirked.

"Not you, you idiot. Annabelle! Do you think she'd like it?"

Michael picked up the golden chain, in the middle hung a single delicate pearl. It was a light color of pink; one of her favorite colors.

"Why a pearl?" Michael asked, already knowing the answer.

"You remember when we were kids and her necklace broke. I promised her I'd get her another one, but I don't have enough money for a full set of pearls... This was already my full paycheck." And I'm not taking anymore hours. Annabelle won't be here forever, and I'm not working the entire time she's here.

"Awwwwwww!" A voice came from the tackle shop's door, and in walked Billy B. He was clapping at my gift. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or truly thought it was a nice gesture. "That's so sweet." He batted his eyelashes at me.


"What do you know about romance?" I asked. "You flex your muscles and Hazel falls in your arms."

Billy shrugged, "I know, it's awesome."

I shook my head at him and looked back at Michael, who was inspecting the chain and small pearl like he was working in the jewelry store again. "This is very pretty. Good quality; should last a long time and it's easy to fix." He nodded, handing it back to me. "I think she'll love it."

"Thanks. I'm gonna give it to her before Ashley's wedding, so she can wear it with her dress... Figured it'd make it better. She told me how hideous it is." I chuckled, remembering her frantic rant when I picked her up from Ashley's.

"Speaking of weddings..." Billy looked slyly at Michael, and Michael to him, before they both looked at me. "When are you going to propose to Miss Sage?"

My jaw dropped, and I almost dropped her necklace. "What?!"

"Oh come on!" Michael snapped, taking the necklace from me and putting it back in the velvet box before I broke it. "You two have known each other for years; and you've loved her all these years ---- Don't you dare deny it." He narrowed his eyes at me when I opened my mouth to protest.

"How would you know? I've never said anything about loving her." I frowned.

Billy laughed, "Please! The way you look at her is enough. The way you've always looked at her, even when we were kids. She's like a goddess to you, or something."

I took the small box and shoved it deep in my pocket, hoping that'd end the conversation, but it didn't.

"So? When you gonna do it!" Billy pressed.

"Haven't thought about that." I mumbled.

"You should. She's leaving in a couple weeks." Michael said.

Remembering that only made me feel worse right now. I had been trying not to think about when Annabelle would be leaving. When would be the next time I see her? Trips out to the city would cost some serious money after a while, and Annabelle will be going to college soon. I know she'll go to college, I won't let her not go; she's too smart for that.

The guys eventually dropped it and left to go home, saying it was getting late. I closed up shop and was on my way home, passing by Annabelle's house. If it weren't so late, I'd run over and toss pebbles at her window till she came outside. I missed her; I hadn't been able to see her for a few days. I've been working, trying to catch up on money.

Instead, I settled for glancing at her window while I drove past in my truck. I would see her this weekend, at the wedding.

Wow... That thought brought up some interesting scenes... The wedding... It could be our wedding...

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