Misery Buisness

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Sam woke up still damp from with shower with a naked archangel curled into a ball on his chest. Gabriel stirred a little and then peeked up at his hunter, enough love in his eyes to melt even Lucifer's heart.

"So you think the Prince and Princess are engaged now?" He asked gently, lacing his fingers lovingly with Sam's. Sam nodded.

"More than likely, you should have seen the ring, Gabe, it was beautiful." Gabriel sighed and batted his long eyelashes the way he always did when he was thinking something sappy that he didn't want to say, Sam had noticed.

"What is it, Trixie?" Gabriel sighed and curled into him as much as he could.

"Do you think we'll ever get married?" Sam's face lit up in surprise his lips curled into a bittersweet smile.

"Would you really want to be with someone like me forever? Gabs, you deserve so much more." Gabriel propped himself up on Sam's chest and stared soulfully at him.

"More? What more could I possibly ask for? I've spent so many years as a trickster…bitter, malicious, not caring who I stepped on for a laugh. Sammy, after a while I forgot what it was like to even be an angel…forgot I was one. But the kindness I saw in your heart when we met, and the love that you've made me feel…Samuel Winchester, you gave me back my wings. I could never love anyone the way I love you." Sam's eyes glazed over but he didn't cry, crying was Dean's thing. Gabriel seemed to read his mind however and chuckled.

"It's okay to cry knucklehead, Although I do like that strong stoic vibe you give off…you're a lot more manly than Dean." Sam burst into laughter.

"Thanks, but don't tell Dean that, you'd severely bruise his ego." Gabriel laughed too and then raised his eyebrow at Sam's suddenly very playful expression.

"What, Samchop?" Sam rolled his eyes at the stupid nickname and grinned.

"What am I thinking now?" Gabriel got a mischievous look in his eyes.

"Ooh a challenge." Gabriel's intrigued look suddenly dropped however when he looked inside Sam's mind. It was Gabriel's eyes turn to glisten with tears as he slowly nodded his head.

"Of course I will, Sam." It was one of the first times Gabriel had ever just called him "Sam" since they'd been together. Sam took his hand and kissed it ever so gently.

"I'll buy you a ring in a few weeks, let's let Dean and Cas have their time." Gabriel just nodded happily and pulled Sam rather into a rather needy kiss. Gabriel didn't need a ring or an announcement anyway, he and Sam knew they were engaged to be married and that's all that really mattered. Moose, who was sleeping at the foot of the bed, perked his ears up and yipped at the couple. It seemed the hound was happy with the arrangement too.

Meanwhile, Dean and Castiel were also waking up. Laying in each others arms and not making any attempt to speak or move. While Gabriel and Sam had shared their first time slow and tender, Castiel and Dean were way past their first time and their love making had now become a lot needier and more passionate. So naturally, while Sam and Gabriel had woken up with energy, Cas and Dean were not as fortunate. Suddenly Dean's phone was ringing and he groaned loudly.

"Cas, baby, will you get that?" Castiel grunted in protest but reached for his hunters phone and flipped it open in annoyance.

"Somebody better be dying." He said gravely.

"Shut your trap kid, you don't say things like that when you're a hunter, somebody is always dyin'." Castiel sat up.

"Bobby? Why are you calling…you could have just knocked." There was silence on the other end for a moment.

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