No Rest Till She's Found

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Third Person POV:
Meanwhile, back on the TARDIS, the Doctor is getting rather frantic. It's been a few more days and he still hasn't found (y/n). He was even more afraid that she may have started to believe that he will never come. He just hoped that he would be able to see her again soon.

River's POV:
Time to visit the Doctor again. Poor thing, he's going through so much, and there's nothing I can really do to help, except to be there to comfort him.
"Hello Sweetie!"
"Any luck?"
"No! I've searched everywhere, but I haven't found a single trace of her yet! But I've got to keep trying! Who knows what she has been put through, and I can't stand to have it last any longer than it has to!"
"I know, sweetie. But, you're working yourself sick! When was the last time you slept?"
"I don't know, but it doesn't matter! I'm not stopping till (y/n) is found!"
"I know you're concerned, but you need your rest! Why don't you go rest in your room and I'll take over the search for a while."
"No, River. Rest is for the weary, sleep is for the dead. I would never be able to forgive myself if I were to stop at any point. I'll rest once she's found and safe at home and in my arms again."
Ugh. He's as stubborn as ever! If there's no persuading him, then I should go back, so I don't get in his way and face the wrath of his frustration.
A/N - sorry bout there being such short chapters. Basically, nothing much happens between chapters, and if anything does happen, it's really the same thing that happened in the previous chapters. More action will appear soon, though, I promise!

Attack Of The SilenceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora