"And why is that?"

"Did you see how he looked at you? He asked you out!" She squealed in excitement and I shrugged, it's not like it's the first time anyways. My shrug seemed to trigger something and she gaped at me before squealing even louder and started hitting my shoulders lightly.

"OhmyGod, ohmyGod! The ship has sailed! I repeat, THE MOTHER SHIP HAS SAILED!" She yelled out into the hall, receiving weird looks and glares from bystanders. Her words were soon muffled by the hand I clamped down onto her mouth to prevent anymore humiliation.

"Penny!" I whined and she turned sheepish.

"I'm sorry," she apologized, "it's just that you guys are so cute and you guys haven't even kissed yet!" Her last comment made me even more flushed than I was.

She turned to me, looking even more stunned before breaking out into another squealing spree. I shushed her as soon as the first squeal came out, dragging her to class while she kept on gushing about how we'll make adorable babies.

The day went on like that, class after class, words spread like wildfire and even though I believed that Penny didn't say anything to people, I don't think she had to. Her squeals were enough to reach my parents who were miles away.

By lunch time, people were staring at me even worse than usual and I had the urge to snap at them to mind their own goddamn business. Barely able to reign in my temper, I bumped into Sonia who was walking with her clique.

Why, God, why?

I sighed through my nose the second I saw her before steeling myself and squared my shoulders. It'll take pigs to start flying before I bow down to this bitch.

"Look at what the cat dragged in," she sneered. Oh the nerve of this bitch is beyond anything I've ever seen.

I'm done playing the role of a wimp. I won't feign a whimper or force out a tear just for her. It's not worth the effort. She's not worth the effort. I decided that the very least I could do for myself for everything I've allowed them do to me was that I wouldn't let them feel like they won another fight against me. I won't let myself look weak anymore.

So I faced Sonia head on, our eyes meeting and for the first time ever, I didn't avert my stare, I didn't cast my gaze downwards and no noises came from the back of my throat. I was sick of everything and I was done being a pawn in their sick game.

This, apparently, wasn't exactly what Sonia expected and the astonishment was as clear as day in her eyes.

I could see the disbelief in her hound mutts and I could feel a sense of triumph coming from my conscience.

About fucking time, bitch!

I rolled my eyes mentally at her words but that brought a tiny smile onto my lips, causing Sonia to narrow her eyes at me. I unrelentingly raised an eyebrow, challenging her to try me.

I could see the subtle gulp that she tried to hide and when I unmistakably caught it, she shrunk back discreetly as to not let her 'friends' realize that they're big bad alpha bitch is actually scared of the nerd.

Damn right she should be scared!

I honestly wanted to laugh at how comical the situation turned in a matter of hours. Just yesterday, she was mocking me after witnessing my fighting skills; after knowing that I can easily break every single bone in her body and now, she's actually taking into account the words I voiced out last night.

She was, by far, the most bipolar girl I have ever met. Well, that excludes yours truly but that's beside the point.

Today, she was dressing in something that can be called half-decent, which basically consists of a crop top that covers her up until her pierced belly button and shorts that kept her ass from hanging out but still gave guys a good view on what's underneath.

The Nerd Can Fight (#1)Where stories live. Discover now