Chapter 25

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This one goes out to nissaramsay, I had a convo with her and she sounds like an amazing girl. Thanks for voting!


Shit shit shit shit.

I'm late for English Lit.

Mrs. Wolken will kill me.

It was just after lunch and I guess I took more time than I realized in eating that delicious ice cream. Damn, it's probably the weakness that will be the cause to my fall one day.

I rushed to class after slamming my locker shut and in the heat of getting there, I might have gotten too excited and banged the door open, creating a grand entrance for myself and earning a scowl from the teacher and a scolding in front of the whole class.

"Ms. Johnson!" Mrs. Wolken's screech in horror. I winced at the sound. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people and screeching today?

What day is it? Screech Casey's ear off?

I hung my head, a blush erupting from the attention I drew.


Now, in other schools, you have detention after school or during lunch. In my school, detention happens the second your teacher says you have it.

So I begrudgingly stepped out of the class and shut the door, muttering profanities. What a waste of my time and energy. I was rushing for nothing. Stupid ass teacher. I silently huffed as I walked down the corridor to the dean's office where I'm supposed to spend the next hour sitting there, staring on that tiny imperfection on the well paint wall.

Turning the corner, my body stilled and my muttering ceased as my hearing strained to catch the hushed conversation going on in the end of the hall.

Now, I wasn't one to eavesdrop but when you are an illegal street fighter in disguise as a nerd and you heard your name being mentioned, who the fuck are you to judge my motives?

I pressed myself lightly against the wall as my breathing stilled and my whole body froze.

"What do you mean you don't want to do this anymore?" A voice whisper yelled in a hushed tone.


I squeezed my eyes shut when I heard another familiar small voice answer the person.

"I mean what I said." She stated meekly, sounding unsure of herself.

"The job was that you tail her around, scoop in some dirty information and humiliate her, break her tiny little heart. WHAT THE FUCK IS SO DIFFICULT ABOUT THAT, PEN?!" I felt a lump rise in my throat, constricting the air inside me as I choked on a cry.

I knew it.

It was too good to be true.

I turned around, not bothering if they saw me anymore before bolting the other way. Screw detention. I can't bother to give any fucks right now. They all can go to hell.

I ran to the backyard and sat on the same bench as the day Adam witnessed Maddison's outburst.

I picked up a twig and drew on the ground. I couldn't believe she would do this to me after everything we've been through.

I threw myself in front of a potential danger to save her!

Well, okay. Maybe the 'potential danger' wouldn't be there to bite her if it wasn't for me, but still!

The Nerd Can Fight (#1)Where stories live. Discover now