"Yeah that won't be happening" I jumped down from the roof I was standing on

"What the hell are you?" the leader I believe

"Me?" I said sweetly pointing to myself "I'm you worst nightmare" a flame ignited in my hand and I throw it at him setting his jacket on fire as he scrambled to get it off I punched him in the temple and knocked him out.

Suddenly I felt pain shoot through my shoulder when I look at it there was a arrow imbedded in it. I yanked it out and turned to see the female pointing her crossbow at me. "Let me guess you're new to all this hunting sups gig?"

"How do you know that, bitch?" she shook

"Well first rude much and second because you are hold the crossbow wrong" I said and the I twisted her hand and took the crossbow and snapped it "Now sweetheart why don't you a good girl and tell me who you're working for"

"Die, Bitch" with that she attacked me and I had to knock her out

"Great, why did you have to do that?" I threw my hands up I bent down and started to tie both the leaders and the females hands together when I got hit in the back with something hard I turned around in pain and saw a second man in black

"Crap I forgot there was three of you" I groaned then he hit me again and bent down in front of me

"Well honey I'm the worst one to forget about" he hit me again and again till I start fade away

ROSA!!! Rosa you must wake up if you don't you will die

But im so tired

You must awaken. I can give you the power to defeat him but you need to awaken

Who are you? And why do you care

It is me you fox and it is time for you to know my name now AWAKEN

I jolted awaken and the first thing I said was Delayla. My bones start to break and change into something else, my hands and feet changing to paws, my nose, into a snout and the red flames into blue.

We are one

I looked up and saw that with my change the last hunter had been blown across the field and was now getting up

"Who are you? What are you?" he wheezed

"That's what the other guy asked" I thought

"How are you doing that? How can I hear you?" the man started to panic

"So you can hear me? Interesting and very useful. Now if you don't want to end up like them" I looked at the two knocked out and tied up "you will answer my question, who are you working for? And just so you know I am kind of new to this form so I don't know how to control it or what damage she can do"

He whimpered "If I tell you they will kill me"

"God are we in one of those DC movies, if you don't tell then you can always tell the cops because that's where you're going anyway" I stepped forward but when I did I flashed behind him

Woah how did I do that

You were thinking that it would be better if you were behind him and your speed took you there, cool huh?

Hell yeah

"Now it's you choose to go to the cops with a mean headache or not" I spoke to him again and he jumped and turned around

"Okay we are a part of the Mortem family, we are the Italian hunter family" he got on his knee

"Now was that so hard" I looked at him and then step forward again. Just as I was about to reach him he fainted

Well that wasn't so hard but now how do I contact the sheriff

Think about then talk


"Hey sheriff?" I thought

"Rosa where are you?" I knew he was speaking out loud and looking around

"I'm kinda at the school with a few of the bad guys could you come pick them up for me?"

"How are you talking to me from there?" he asked confused

"Yeah I kinda connected to my kitsuna and got the power to talk to whoever I want just by thinking of them so yeah. Oh I got them tied up but I won't be here when you come." I said

"Oh why? You okay?" he asked concerned

"Yeah just out of shape you could say" I giggled

"Okay I'll send someone over right away."

"Thanks sheriff"

"No problem kid" I cut the link with a smile and thought of the vet how far I would have to run and then I was there.

'I could get use to this' I laughed as I started inside when I remembered that doc mountain ashed the whole place

Don't worry it doesn't affect us

Really cool

I walked up to the backdoor and pushed it with my snout and it opened. I padded in and turned around the corner to stop when I heard a gasp

"Lobo Blanco"








A/N: Heya guys I know its been a while, I just finished my final exam for this term so I was a bit busy. So here is what you have been waiting for (I think lol) the next chapter. I hope you liked it. 

For awhile now I was thinking of just stopping this story but then I saw that there are quite a few of you that actually look forward to the next chapters so I would like to thank you for reading, voting and  commenting, it help me get out of my slump and back into writing. 

So thank you 



Luv ya


The White Wolf : Liam Dunbar / Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now