As I listened to his explanation, I thought that it was kind of sweet how he wanted to get to know me better and pretend he didn't know how to ride horses just to do that. "I'm not mad at you. I actually think it's kind of sweet that you did that just for me."

Adam gave me a smile, "great. I'm glad you think so. H-"

"Can I go see Stormy?" I was eager to see him and see how my baby boy was doing. It seemed like forever when I'd last seen him and wanted to be with him again though it actuality, it's only been a day.

Adam gave a small laugh and shook his head. "No, not yet, you need to rest for a while longer. But we can after we have breakfast."

"Breakfast?" I perked right up upon hearing breakfast. I was so hungry, and I did not have supper last night because well, I was knocked out from Storm throwing me off his back.

Grinning, I replied, "please make me some breakfast, "I'm starving!"

"Coming right up!" Adam replied and quickly disappeared from the room after instructing me not to get up off the bed.

Of course though, I got bored after a minute and got off the bed. I then started looking around his room, looking for anything that might, I don't know, tell me more about himself. Though he's just about told me everything already. I don't know what else more there was for me to know about him. Not much, right? I didn't know how wrong I was.

I opened the first door I saw and it was... a closet. But not just any old closet, a walk in closet! I've never actually seen one in my life. Just the standard straight ones that at the most go back three feet but they are mainly just two feet in depth. Only half of it was full. The other half was empty. Hmm... what was that for? Maybe he just didn't have enough stuff to fill it up. Shrugging, I closed the door, deciding not to explore in case I came across not to pleasing things for my eyes to come upon.

As soon as I opened the next door, I saw it was a bathroom and Adam came strolling back into the room with breakfast in his hands. "What are you doing?" Adam asked seeing me up. "I told you to sit down and rest! Not get up and use your energy!"

As soon as he said that, I remembered and started to feel a bit woozy. I stumbled over to the bed and sat down, feeling better a couple moments later after being sat. "I'm sorry."

"Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes, I am, and thank you."

Adam gave me my plate and not really caring what was on it, I started eating it. It was heavenly though. Some of the best food I have ever tasted.

"This is really good! How'd you make it?" I turned to him as I said this, wondering how he could cook so good. He didn't really seem like a person who could cook.

"It's a secret, I'm not going to tell you," Adam joked.

"Please!!!" I begged, "I really want to know. I want to make it for myself sometime."

"But I could just cook it for you again. So you don't need to know. What would be the point in that?"

"That I can cook it while you're not around," I answered in a 'duh' voice.

"True," he laughed, "but it would be more fun cooking it for you instead of you cooking it yourself so much and maybe even eventually getting tired of it."

"I will not get tired of it! It's the best I ever had! I really love your eggs and pancakes. They're delicious!"

I kept trying to squeeze it out of him for the next half hour, but he wouldn't budge. I had finished my breakfast about fifteen minutes ago and was still begging him. I even went to such great lengths trying to tackle him on the bed to try and force it out of him but that only made him laugh when I realized I was straddling him while he laid down. His hands held onto my hips firmly, keeping me placed on top of him. I squealed and tried wiggling off of him but that only made him groan and growl out, "I would suggest you stop that princess, unless you want me to take you right here, right now."

I gulped and stopped instantly, feeling his huge mini Adam through his pants. And it was huge. I may have never actually seen one but I could tell it was huge already. I just stared down at him astonished.

I then was suddenly under him and looking up at him with wide eyes. He gave me a slow kiss before pulling away and saying, "now, how about we go see Storm." He then jumped off of me and headed out the door with a laugh.

The entire time, I just stared after him with a look of disbelief on my face. 


Well, I was going to put in where they visit Storm, but I figured just end it here and give you all the chapter you've been waiting for! Sorry it took so long, but Merry Christmas! I hope this was a good Christmas present for you guys.




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